Pulse oximeters from a perfume dealer, overpaid - several times over - medical equipment, tens of thousands of zlotys spent on analyses and consultations, contractors without experience. This, in one sentence, is how one can summarize the information that Tuesday's Gazeta Wyborcza reports on the...
Did the previous government devastate the medical education system? Voices are coming from the academic medical school community that of course - yes. What's more, assurances have been heard for weeks that KRAUM has protested loudly and emphatically against the decisions made by the ministers of...
... and here reality squawks. This colloquial version of Stanislaw Wyspianski's words ("So that our hearts would laugh to great, great things. And here commonness squawks ...") perfectly describes the current situation in the sensitive area of public health quite accurately.
More than 175 million zlotys - this is the amount that ended the day of the 32nd Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. What the final sum will be, we'll find out in a few weeks, and there's really no need to divagate whether a record will be broken. Because, after all, that's not...
The Medical Research Agency will survive, but it will have to change - this is the conclusion after Tuesday's meeting of the Health Committee (meeting adjourned, will continue next week). How deep the changes will be and - above all - whether they will go in the right direction, time will tell.
The Parliamentary Health Committee this week will face its first (of a long list) "investigative" topic, taking the Medical Research Agency under the magnifying glass. An agency against which, already at the stage of legislative work in 2019, the then opposition had numerous objections, and...
Looking at the work schedule of the Health Committee - there will be no boredom. Several meetings are scheduled for January alone, the topics of which will heat up public opinion. No topic works on the imagination like the way public funds are spent. Optimally - by political opponents. So, first...
- You should not say anything about medicines. Because of your decisions, I now have to look all over the world for vaccines," Health Minister Izabela Leszczyna said during the debate on next year's draft budget toward Law and Justice deputies. At the same time, the head of the Health Ministry...
Those who want to be vaccinated against COVID-19 will be able to do so, Health Minister Izabela Leszczyna assured on Friday, announcing the ordering of the next tranche of doses of the preparation adapted to the new variants of SARS-CoV-2. On the same day, the Ministry of Health announced the...
On the night of December 5-6, when good children are asleep, Santa Claus puts their long-awaited gifts in their shoes, socks - or just lays them by the bedside, depending on the region of Poland and the size of the packages. But it's not just children who will be waiting for a surprise on Santa...
On December 6, booster vaccinations against COVID-19 will start in Poland, which is good news. It would be, if it weren't for all the others regarding these vaccinations, which are coming in parallel and effectively dampen optimism.
6,7 proc. PKB – tyle, łącznie, Polska wydawała na zdrowie w 2022 roku. Średnia dla krajów OECD, jak wynika z najnowszego raportu „Health at a Glance” to 9,2 proc. W latach 2020-2021 wydatki związane z ochroną zdrowia w krajach wysokorozwiniętych eksplodowały, w 2022 roku wystąpił natomiast...
There is a coalition agreement, solemnly signed by the leaders of the groupings that make up the democratic opposition - as early as Monday the vote in the Sejm is expected to confirm that it is a parliamentary majority. However, there was a stumbling block in the final straight: the Together...
Kto pokieruje Ministerstwem Zdrowia w najbliższych latach? Czy zwycięstwo Koalicji Obywatelskiej oznacza powrót Bartosza Arłukowicza? A może lider ludowców widzi siebie na fotelu ministra zdrowia i wicepremiera. Dwa razy – nie. Łatwiej jest w tej chwili powiedzieć, kto – raczej na pewno – nie...
Sensationalism on the lists and steady stagnation in the programs - this is how the offer for health from political groups could be summarized in the shortest way. At least the two main ones that have held the political scene in a clinch for almost two decades. And nothing augurs a quick...
Not on September 12, but in mid-November, we will learn - probably - the results of the work of the team appointed in May by the Minister of Health to prepare rules for terminating pregnancies due to threats to a woman's health and life. The Health Minister signed an amendment to the order on the...
What is the dimension of the ruling party's elevation of the protection of conceived life to the banner? New light is shed on an old problem by a weekend interview that Law and Justice Chairman Jaroslaw Kaczynski gave to Krzysztof Ziemc. One of the topics was the announced referendum on the...
Never before has the health care system been so financially valued, argues Health Minister Adam Niedzielski, promising "on an annual basis" 15 billion zlotys of "additional money" to cover the higher operating costs of medical entities, including in connection with the next round of increases, or...
I'm nervously refreshing the parliamentary pages, because Wednesday marks the beginning of the session where pro-equality bills are scheduled to return. This time dually, as parliamentary bills. Former Deputy Health Minister Jozefa Szczurek-Zelazko, the same one who in April stopped the already...
225 deputies should have voted to override the Senate's veto of the quality law, voted - 224. One vote was missing, and the Health Minister says that corporate interests prevailed over patient welfare and announces that he will do everything to ensure that the quality law returns. Is this...
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