In Poland, there is currently one hospital per 1.5 counties (statistically). In 2022. Eurostat published "Statistics on health care resources - hospital beds"[1].
An analysis of the number of hospital beds in relation to the population shows that in 2018 there were an average of 538 hospital beds per 100,000 population across the EU-27 (Total number of hospital beds = inpatient (acute) care beds + rehabilitation care beds + long-term care beds + other hospital beds).
Poland is above average, i.e. provides 653 beds per 100,000 residents.
Among EU member states, Germany recorded not only the highest number of hospital beds (661,000; 2017 data), but also the highest number relative to population, with 800 hospital beds per 100,000 residents (with this being due to the high proportion of private non-profit and for-profit hospital entities). Bulgaria, Austria and Hungary also recorded more than 700 hospital beds per 100,000 residents, with Romania's rate slightly below that.
Ireland (excluding psychiatric beds, excluding beds in the private healthcare sector), Spain, Denmark and Sweden recorded the lowest number of hospital beds relative to population size in 2018, all below 300 per 100,000 population. At the same time, this did not affect the quality of health services, as qualitative studies show (more on this later).
Poland is above the average, i.e. 653 beds per 100,000 inhabitants, which means that we have more than 2 times as many hospital beds as Ireland, Spain, Denmark, Sweden. One could justify thi...
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