On Monday, March 24, the next meeting of the Transparency Council.
The European Parliament's Public Health Committee, in an opinion voted on March 19 on the EU's Multiannual Financial Framework beyond 2027, stressed the importance of funding drug production capacity in the EU and called for sufficient resources to develop and stockpile essential medical supplies.
Ombudsman Marcin Wiącek has addressed the Health Ministry regarding the lack of reimbursement for insulin pumps for patients over the age of 26 with type 1 diabetes. These individuals have to pay the full cost of therapy, which often leads to discontinuation of therapy and threatens their health....
- In the current extremely dangerous geopolitical situation, this is a very important project for the security of all residents of the Union. I hope that in the course of its work it will be supplemented with a fund for critical medicines, which will actually increase their production in Europe,"...
The OJ of the Ministry of Health published a Notice of the Minister of Health dated March 10, 2025 on the list of medicinal products, foodstuffs for special nutritional purposes and medical devices at risk of unavailability on the territory of the Republic of Poland.
On Monday of March, the next meeting of the Transparency Council.
Postęp w leczeniu stwardnienia rozsianego to jedno z największych osiągnięć medycyny ostatnich lat. Aktualnie każdy pacjent w Polsce, który spełnia kryteria kwalifikacji do programu lekowego B.29, może otrzymać wysoko skuteczną terapię, dzięki której możliwe jest zatrzymanie postępu choroby. A...
Rak gruczołu krokowego jest drugim pod względem częstości występowania nowotworem złośliwym rozpoznawanym u mężczyzn i piątą pod względem częstości przyczyną zgonu z powodu nowotworów złośliwych wśród mężczyzn na całym świecie. Liczbę nowych zachorowań w 2022 r. oszacowano na 1,4 mln1. W USA jest...
On Monday, February 24, the next meeting of the Transparency Council.
- Blocking the supply of medicines and their components from outside Europe can be used as a geopolitical tool to destabilize the EU. We must realize that such actions can escalate conflicts and paralyze health systems. Therefore, a special EU pharmaceutical security fund is urgently needed -...
W poniedziałek 17 lutego odbędzie się kolejne posiedzenie Rady Przejrzystości AOTMiT.
The Ombudsman, while appreciating the publication of Poland's first National List of Critical Medicines, once again urges the Health Ministry to add to it. He points to the need to add key cardiovascular and endocrinology drugs, the absence of which could significantly affect patients' health and...
The next meeting of the Transparency Council will be held on Monday, February 10.
There are currently four drug programs for cardiology patients, but access to them is severely limited due to administrative barriers, systemic shortcomings and uneven distribution of facilities offering such treatment, according to the report "Drug programs in cardiology: actual access vs....
W poniedziałek 3 marca kolejne posiedzenie Rady Przejrzystości.
- Electrodeless stimulation, which has similar efficacy to classical stimulation, gives us more protection for the patient. For one thing, we don't have electrodes, meaning we avoid the problems associated with them - damage or venous obstruction issues. On the other hand, the system, which is...
- As a large EU country, Poland needs to ensure drug security for its citizens. It can also become a manufacturing hub for the Baltics and Central and Eastern Europe, as well as for NATO allied troops stationed here. It also remains a security asylum for Ukraine. It is a good place to locate...
Sanofi, an innovative biopharmaceutical company, has appointed Michaela Scheiffert as General Manager Pharma for Central and Southern Europe (MCO) and Pharma Head and Country Lead for Poland. The combination of these two functions underscores the country's growing importance within Sanofi's...
On Monday, January 27, the next meeting of the AOTMiT Transparency Council.
The Supreme Medical Council has passed a resolution to establish a Problem Team for the automation of drug reimbursement determination. The team will be responsible for developing and providing opinions on solutions to simplify the process of issuing prescriptions for reimbursed drugs and to...
The Supreme Audit Office has decided to launch an ad hoc inspection to assess drug safety in Poland. The decision was made after an analysis of significant threats to the protection of citizens' health, including problems related to access to medicines and the functioning of the pharmaceutical...
On Monday, January 20, the next meeting of the AOTMiT Transparency Council.
The Ministry of Health has published a new list of drugs and medical devices at risk of unavailability on Polish territory. These drugs must not be exported abroad. Which preparations and medical devices are missing?
The Health Ministry publishes a communication from the Minister of Health regarding medicinal products not subject to financing under the procedure for emergency access to drug technologies.
The next meeting of the Transparency Council will be held on Monday, January 13.
- We need new therapies for rare diseases and oncology, among others. We have great scientists and fantastic centers. With the creation of hubs in each region, we want to increase the development of research, especially for patients in waiting for new therapies," said Deputy Health Minister...
The contamination of melatonin taken by Iga Swiatek probably occurred when the production line was switched from one drug to another. However, this does not mean that the manufacturer did not follow safety standards. Manufactured batches of melatonin were tested, and the tests did not reveal the...
On the basis of an expert opinion carried out by the National Institute of Medicine, the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspector has decided to withdraw from marketing nationwide a series of the medicinal product Senesa leaf (Sennae foliolum) 30 mg ± 5% of hydroxyanthracene glycosides calculated as...
On Monday, January 7, the next meeting of the AOTMiT Transparency Council.
We already know the final shape of January's list of reimbursed drugs. The Health Ministry has published the announcement, which comes into effect on January 1. The reimbursement will include 31 new molecules, 13 of which are therapies used in oncology. Although the positive reimbursement trend...
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