National Drug Manufacturers, at a meeting on the revision of the EU pharmaceutical law organized by the Health Ministry on September 13, stressed that the planned revision of the law extends the monopoly of drugs in the European market, which will limit the availability of therapies due to their...
It's been a year since the expanded SMA drug program went into effect. The experience gained during the past year confirms that the current program is one of the leading in Europe. One of its components is neonatal screening. A similar solution, which in practice would boil down to a so-called...
- Patients very often circulate from doctor to doctor, from clinic to clinic, from specialist to specialist. On average, a rare disease is not diagnosed until five years after the first symptoms appear," said Prof. Mieczyslaw Walczak, head of the Department of Pediatrics, Endocrinology,...
- Stem cells injected topically are not a kind of glue, meant to close fistulas, but to promote natural healing. It is a very effective method. Patients who are young, who are aware of their disease, who have learned to function with it, stem cells can bring them back to full activity," Prof....
We spoke with Deputy Health Minister Maciej Miłkowski during the Economic Forum in Karpacz about the changes introduced in the treatment of rare diseases by the September list of reimbursed drugs, the work related to the November list, and the needs of patients with neurofibromatosis.
Z początkiem września br. Holger Pfeiffer objął funkcję prezesa firmy Bayer w Polsce, Czechach, Słowacji i Węgrzech oraz szefa dywizji Pharmaceuticals w regionie.
Interview with Przemyslaw Marszalek, secretary of the MukoKoalition, conducted during the 1st Children and Adolescent Health Congress.
An interview with Professor Anna Kostera-Pruszczyk, head of the Department of Neurology at Warsaw Medical University's UCK WUM Central Teaching Hospital, ERN EURO NMD.
New features have been added to the myIKP app: a water drinking counter and an up-to-date list of free medicines for children under 18 and people over 65. The myIKP app is a tool that makes it easier for patients to function in the health care system and engages them in taking care of their health.
Interview with Professor Teresa Jackowska, president of the Polish Pediatric Society, conducted during the Congress on Child and Adolescent Health
To zmiany, na które onkolodzy i chorzy na raka płuca czekali od dawna. We wrześniowej liście leków refundowanych w pierwszej linii leczenia dla pacjentów z nie drobnokomórkowym rakiem płuca i mutacją ALK udostępniony zostanie lorlatynib. To lek, dzięki któremu aż kilkunastokrotnie udaje się...
A long-term study from actual clinical practice extending to a 30-month follow-up of a group of 120 adults and older children with spinal muscular atrophy, with varying disease severity and type of SMA, has shown that patients treated with nusinersen therapy not only experience stabilization of...
AOTMiT has published the Transparency Council's work plan from September 1 to 30.
The president has signed a law that expands the free drug program. The MZ publishes the list.
The Draft Regulation of the Minister of Health amending the Regulation on guaranteed benefits in the field of highly specialized services and the conditions for their implementation has been submitted to kosnutlfcji.
The President has signed a law that expands the free medication program. Now, in addition to seniors 75+, the solution will also benefit people over 65 and children and adolescents under 18. This will leave more money in the pockets of citizens. The expansion of the program is possible due to...
Andrzej Duda signed the Law of August 17, 2023, amending the Law on Reimbursement of Medicines, Foodstuffs for Special Dietary Purposes and Medical Devices and some other laws - signed August 21, 2023.
The Supreme Chamber of Physicians is relentless in its efforts to automate the reimbursement process in Poland, which will free doctors from the obligation to determine the degree of drug reimbursement. This administrative obligation not only takes away time that a doctor could spend with a...
The Draft Regulation of the Minister of Health Amending the Regulation on Prescriptions has been submitted for consultation.
- The availability of innovative medicines, which patients receive free of charge, is increasing, along with full qualification for these therapies and complete monitoring of the patient during them, Deputy Health Minister Maciej Miłkowski said during Thursday's meeting of the Parliamentary...
The Ministry of Health has published a new list of drugs and medical devices at risk of unavailability on Polish territory. These drugs must not be exported abroad. Which preparations and medical devices are missing?
The Draft Regulation of the Minister of Health amending the Regulation on guaranteed services in the field of hospital treatment has been submitted for consultation.
129 - that's how many proceedings concerning pharmaceutical offenses related to the illegal trading of medicines the General Pharmaceutical Inspectorate has been involved in over the past months. Of the notices of suspicion of crime sent by the GIF, as well as reports forwarded to the...
On Monday, July 24, the next meeting of the Transparency Council.
An interview with Prof. Jack Grzybowski, head of the Cardiomyopathy Unit at the National Institute of Cardiology.
Obowiązujące od stycznia br. rozporządzenie ministra zdrowia w sprawie wykazu wyrobów medycznych wydawanych na receptę istotnie zmieniło dotychczasowe zasady refundacji dot. systemów ciągłego monitorowania glikemii. Nową grupą objętą refundacją, uwzględnioną w dokumencie, są dorośli diabetycy,...
Information from the President of URPL regarding the European Medicines Agency's PRAC Committee's review of data on the risk of suicidal thoughts during therapy with GLP-1 receptor agonists.
The European Commission, the Heads of Medicines Agency (HMA) and the European Medicines Agency have issued recommendations for action to avoid shortages of key antibiotics used to treat respiratory tract infections among patients in Europe during the next winter season. The recommendations,...
AOTMiT has published the work plan of the Transparency Council from August 1 to 31.
The Transparency Council and the President of the AOTMiT have issued positive recommendations for the addition of pharizymab therapy to the drug program for retinal diseases. - This is an opportunity, especially for those patients for whom the drugs used so far do not bring the desired result,...
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