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AOTMiT: Transparency Council on preventive mastectomy, cystic fibrosis and newborn screening, among others

MedExpress Team

Published Oct. 28, 2024 07:54

AOTMiT: Transparency Council on preventive mastectomy, cystic fibrosis and newborn screening, among others - Header image
Źródło: AOTMiT
October 28 next meeting of the Transparency Council.

The agenda includes:

1 Prepare a position paper on the legitimacy of expanding the eligibility criteria for the procedure Prophylactic mastectomy under the guaranteed benefit.

2 Prepare a position paper on the legitimacy of reimbursement of the medicinal product Lonsurf (Trifluridinum + Tipiracilum) under PL .4. "Treatment of patients with colorectal cancer (ICD-10: C18 - C20)".

3 Prepa...

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