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Blocking competition in the drug market means higher prices and lack of availability

MedExpress Team


Published March 29, 2023 11:28

Blocking competition in the drug market means higher prices and lack of availability - Header image
The provision preventing price competition in the drug market that was included in the draft amendment to the reimbursement law needs to be modified. It blocks the entry of lower-priced drugs into reimbursement and introduces legal unpredictability, which threatens to cause companies to abandon the production of reimbursed drugs.

Domestic drug manufacturers support changes to the Reimbursement Act to improve Polish patients' access to therapies. - We want the reimbursement system, as a result of the changes, to be more efficient and provide patients with uninterrupted access to medicines, assures Krzysztof Kopeć, president of the National Drug Manufacturers.

Article 11.a to be removed

The draft amendment to the Reimbursement Law includes a provision preventing the submission of a reimbursement application for a drug that competes in price with a product whose patent protection is about to expire. Given that it takes up to six months to process an application, this will significantly delay the introduction of competition to the market. During this time, the NHF and patients will incur huge losses, as they will be paying a still high price for the drug, while it drops by at least 25%, and sometimes by more than half, once the competition enters.

The health ministry explains its proposal by concern over the lack of actual availability of cheaper drugs as a result ...

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