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Changes in the Medical Fund. What the money for?

MedExpress Team


Published Oct. 27, 2022 09:18

Changes in the Medical Fund. What the money for? - Header image
Fot. Getty Images/iStockphoto
The Parliamentary Health Committee recommends that the Sejm adopt the presidential draft amendment to the Medical Fund Act. Also, opposition deputies, despite reservations and proposed amendments, claimed that the changes were necessary and were going in the right direction.

During the committee meeting, the presidential draft was presented by the President's Minister Małgorzata Paprocka. She pointed to two main areas of change: firstly, the Medical Fund will be able to finance genetic tests in the population of patients under 18 years of age with oncological and rare diseases - about 1,300 cases per year. Secondly, it will be able to finance the purchase of recommended vaccines covered by PSO - by name, vaccines against HPV, which the Minister of Health Łukasz Szumowski promi...

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