- Mom was 56 years old. She took great care of her health and examined herself regularly. At some point, her abdomen started to hurt, so her natural reflex was that she went to get checked. A vaginal ultrasound revealed that her ovaries, especially one of them, were enlarged. Suspicious lesions were also visible on them. An abdominal ultrasound brought the same findings. A CT scan of the abdomen of the small pelvis visualized distant metastases, including those to the liver," Magdalena Mówinska recalls.
Doctors who diagnosed the woman suspected malignant cancer of the ovaries. Based on the imaging results obtained, they qualified her for surgery to remove the reproductive organs. As Magdalena Mówinska emphasizes, no tests for microsatellite instability, MMR or ProMisE were performed before the operation. Nor were MRI or PET scans ordered.
- When I read the description of the histopathological examination carefully after some time, it turned out that everything pointed to clear cell carcinoma of the endometrium with metastasis to the ovaries. At the end of the description there was also a statement that the exit of this cancer could not be clearly deter...
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