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Recent long-term data support the efficacy of satralizumab in the treatment of NMOSD

MedExpress Team


Published March 23, 2023 11:23

Recent long-term data support the efficacy of satralizumab in the treatment of NMOSD - Header image
Fot. Getty Images/iStockphoto
NMOSD (Devic's disease) is a rare disease of the central nervous system, characterized by severe bouts of optic neuritis and spinal myelitis, which, if untreated, leads to severe patient disability. As of November 1, 2022, NMOSD patients have gained access to a modern treatment that beneficially modifies the course of this disease - i.e. the drug satralizumab, which is reimbursed under the B.138.FM drug program.

- The latest results of the SAkuraSky and SAkuraStar clinical trials, published in January 2023, confirmed the high efficacy of this therapy and favorable safety profile in patients receiving satralizumab for almost four years, says Prof. Konrad Rejdak, MD, head of the Department of Neurology at the Medical University of Lublin and president of the Polish Neurological Society.

  • NMOSD (also known as Devic's disease or syndrome) is an aggressive autoimmune disease of the central nervous system with frequent, severe exacerbations.
  • As of November 1, 2022, people with NMOSD have gained access to a modern treatment that beneficially modifies the course of this disease - i.e. the drug satralizumab, which is reimbursed
    under the B.138.FM drug program.
  • The latest data, from the extension phase of the SAkura study, were published in January 2023. They indicate that after more than 3.5 years of treatment with satralizumab (192 weeks of therapy), 71% of participants in the SakuraSky study (satralizumab in combination with immunosuppressive drugs) and 73% of participants in the SAkuraStar study (satralizumab in monotherapy) remained free of disease flares, and 90% of patients were free of severe flares.
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