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Macroeconomic importance of the pharmaceutical sector in Poland

MedExpress Team

Published Oct. 17, 2024 10:31

Macroeconomic importance of the pharmaceutical sector in Poland - Header image
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The macroeconomic impact of the domestic pharmaceutical sector on the economy is more than 20 billion zlotys. This is as much as we spend from the state budget on the police and fire departments. The industry has the ability to maintain financial stability and generate results that distinguish it from all industrial processing. - And this means that there is significant development potential for this industry in Poland," points out Prof. Ewelina Nojszewska of the Warsaw School of Economics.

Prof. Ewelina Nojszewska, co-author of the report "Macroeconomic Impact of the Pharmaceutical Sector on the Polish Economy," points out that the pharmaceutical sector is an important element of the market, which plays an important role in ensuring the health of Poles, reducing the country's dependence on foreign entities for medicines, as well as contributing to technological progress and development. - In a situation of theoretical import substitution of domestic production, the Polish economy would significantly reduce its size, employment and tax and contribution revenues, he stresses.

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