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Reimbursement penalties. Doctors demand change in regulations

MedExpress Team

Published Jan. 22, 2024 09:07

Reimbursement penalties. Doctors demand change in regulations - Header image
A meeting was held at the headquarters of the Patient Ombudsman on the issue of penalties imposed by the NFZ on doctors who prescribe milk replacer to children suffering from severe food allergies. The meeting was attended by Minister Bartlomiej Chmielowiec - the Ombudsman for Patients' Rights, Klaudiusz Komor, Vice President of the NRL, Aleksandra Kindradzka - a pediatrician, Joanna Tyczynska - a pediatrician and Ms. Agnieszka Krynska representing the environment of parents of children who have been fed milk-substitute formula.

The conversation focused on legal issues concerning a case that has been pending for more than a year, which significantly strikes at the welfare of the youngest patients and the doctors who treat them. The Patient Ombudsman has undertaken a thorough assessment of the problem, and the talks will continue in the coming weeks.

- It is a priority for us to look for a solution that will allow fair treatment of doctors who, in good faith and in accordance with current medical knowledge, wrote prescriptions for this preparation to their patients. The situation that has arisen negatively affects the work of doctors, raises fears of making difficult decisi...

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