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SMA: Members are asking, the ministry is responding

MedExpress Team


Published Sept. 8, 2022 09:01

SMA: Members are asking, the ministry is responding - Header image
The Ministry of Health has already received ten parliamentary interpellations on the eligibility criteria for SMA treatment with gene therapy. The Ministry of Health has already responded to the first parliamentary interventions, but there are more.

In recent days, Marcelina Zawisza (Left) informed about the submission of an interpellation by a group of deputies. The deputy pointed out that although the very decision to finance Zolgensma from public funds (the so-called gene therapy) for children up to 6 months of age is great news, it is doubtful that older children who meet the body weight criterion provided by the manufacturer could also benefit from treatment. - This is what is done, for example, in the United States, where cases of administering the drug to children up to 2 years of age are described - she reminded.

But the MPs of Razem put questions to the ministry beyond the dispute over the age criterion in the drug program. They want to know, among other things:

- Due to the fact that children over...

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