Fundacja Żyjmy Zdrowo oraz Polsko-Amerykańska Fundacja Onkologiczna zapraszają do obejrzenia pełnego zapisu wideo II KONGRESU ZDROWIA MĘŻCZYZN.
President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda handed out nomination acts to academic teachers and employees of science and the arts. Sixteen nominations were given to health-related individuals.
Childhood cancers are rare diseases, affect 1 out of 600 children[1]. Their most common symptoms include weight loss, recurrent limb pain, persistent fever, frequent infections or skin lesions. They are not unequivocal i are often confused with other, more common childhood conditions, which often...
The state must stop acting like a pimp, and not a very smart one at that. The sale of tobacco products does not generate revenue, it only generates huge losses, experts argued at the Senior Citizens' Health Congress. Lung cancer, other cancers, cardiovascular diseases, COPD - these are just some...
In this year's edition of the "Grant for Health" competition, honorable mentions were awarded to the Overcome Endometriosis Foundation and its "EndoEducation for Schools" project, and the "Motherhood is Possible" project, prepared by the Polish Public Health Association. Funding for these...
Poland's performance in pediatric cancer treatment is better than the European average. Unfortunately, in adult oncology they are 10% -15% worse than this average. How to improve these indicators was discussed by experts from the Medical Rationale of State during a debate entitled. "Time in...
Gedeon Richter Polska starts the new year with an unusual project and proudly presents the next installment of the Artistic Calendar. For the 14th time, the brand has joined forces with graphic designer Andrzej Pągowski to create a limited edition publication, traditionally dedicated to women....
It is impossible to realize better healthcare and implement those solutions available to clinicians without raising healthcare spending, experts stressed at the December meeting of the Medical Rationale of State.
- This will be a year that will fall under the banner of Poland's presidency of the Council of the European Union. Our department will also be focused on these aspects in the first half of the year. We have great potential in new technologies - there are about 90 proceedings underway. We are also...
An innovation that saves a patient's life could be an artificial heart, but it could also be a solution that guarantees transportation for tests or treatment, they said during a panel on innovations and technologies of the future in healthcare.
- The National Oncology Strategy is being implemented, about 70 percent of it, on time, although some of the tasks are being remodeled over time, assured Prof. Piotr Rutkowski of the Maria Sklodowska-Curie Oncology Institute - PIB in Warsaw, chairman of the Polish Oncology Society, during a...
Consideration of the Senate's resolution on the Law on Amendments to the Law on Health Care Services Financed from Public Funds and Certain Other Laws
Consideration of information on the implementation of the Law of June 16, 2023 on Quality in Health Care and Patient Safety - presented by the Minister of Health.
- Chronic lung diseases cause as much as 9 percent of disability in Poland. Lung diseases are second in order as causes of sickness absence. This is a huge public health problem," says Dr. Malgorzata Czajkowska-Malinowska, president of PTChP, in an interview with Medexpress. What path has...
For the 19th time on February 10-11, 2025, Warsaw will become a meeting place for leaders of patient organizations, experts, representatives of the administration and politicians, who will jointly discuss the key challenges of the health care system in Poland. The Forum of Patients'...
Fake news spreads in the public space just like viruses. What constitutes their strength and what is the power of influence? Dr. Jan Zając, CEO of Sotrender, explains this in an interview with Medexpress.
The Gynecologic Oncology Clinic at the National Cancer Institute in Warsaw has once again received the prestigious accreditation from the European Society of Gynecologic Oncology (ESGO). "This confirms not only the high level of interdisciplinary care of patients, the use of modern diagnostic and...
- Oncology has long strived for treatment to be detached from the hospital bed. Medicine today offers such possibilities," oncologist Prof. Barbara Radeckatold the Sejm. Experts argued that due to the increase in the number of patients and the burden on hospitals, therapies that can be taken at...
Are we making good use of medical staff? What can be done to ensure that each medical professional can realize his or her competencies one hundred percent? How to effectively move away from the hierarchization of medical professions? The opening panel of the 11th Public Health Congress was...
The entry criteria for drug program B.122, the prophylactic treatment of angioedema, will be changed in accordance with the responsible entity's request, a Health Ministry representative announced at the Public Health Congress.
Are there really more mental disorders in the population today than even - if only - two or three decades ago? Or are they simply being diagnosed more frequently or is the structure of diagnoses changing? During the panel on the place of psychiatry in public health, the experts agreed on one...
Diagnostic tools to select breast cancer patients who can avoid chemotherapy in the treatment process and drugs to reduce the risk of recurrence of this cancer were discussed at the Breast Cancer Forum on November 28.
Science is data, medicine is data, experts argued during a discussion on digital transformation and its impact on the efficiency of the healthcare system. The debate opened the second day of the 11th Public Health Congress.
Fear, pains and muscle spasms kept her awake. She began a long trek to the doctors in search of a diagnosis. - I can't count how many visits there were, probably dozens. Finally, when I heard it was ALS, my hands were shaking so badly that I couldn't dial my husband's phone number. I thought I...
The key to stopping or slowing the epidemic of civilization diseases, (such as diabetes, obesity, alcohol abuse and infectious diseases), is health education and prevention and prevention in the broadest sense, agreed experts participating in a discussion devoted to this issue at the 11th Public...
At the European level, clearly issue an intensified joint effort by organizations such as the European Brain Council, the European Academy of Neurology, the European Psychiatric Association, EFNA, among others, to develop and adopt policy recommendations by the European Parliament and the...
Dyskusja na temat poselskiego projektu ustawy o zmianie ustawy – o prawach pacjenta i Rzeczniku Praw Pacjenta oraz niektórych innych ustaw
Health Minister Izabela Leszczyna has appointed a new composition of the Council for Rare Diseases. It will be headed by Prof. Anna Kostera-Pruszczyk, head of the Department of Neurology in the Faculty of Medicine at Warsaw Medical University.
Every year, the European Autism Week is celebrated in the first week of December. It's an opportunity to talk about the needs of people on the spectrum and their loved ones. Those of people with profound autism are hardly met. 80 percent of autistic people with high support needs need to live in...
Six exceptional Polish female researchers were awarded at the gala of the 24th edition of the L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women and Science program. At a time when the world is grappling with a range of challenges - from climate change to pandemics - diversity in research teams is becoming even more...
Order of the President of the National Health Fund No. 94/2024/DSOZ amending the order on defining the conditions for concluding and implementing contracts in the types of medical rehabilitation and health programs in the scope of services - treatment of children and adults with coma.
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