Fundacja Żyjmy Zdrowo oraz Polsko-Amerykańska Fundacja Onkologiczna zapraszają do obejrzenia pełnego zapisu wideo II KONGRESU ZDROWIA MĘŻCZYZN.
Stańczyk has disappeared from a Jan Matejko painting. He is making his way through Warsaw to take advantage of preventive examinations. This is how the plot of the spot, which was created as part of the Day at the U campaign organized by the Rak'n'roll Foundation, can be summarized. Famous people...
The Wielkopolska Chamber of Physicians and the Regional Bar Council in Poznan invite you to the crowning event of the project "2023: The Year of Physician's Rights". The 1st National Conference on Physician's Rights will be held on December 7, and the proposed program should be of equal interest...
November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, EuropaColon Poland Foundation reminds us. It is a time when efforts are made to raise awareness of pancreatic cancer in the media and, through them, among the general public, patients and doctors. On November 16, to mark World Pancreatic Cancer Day,...
We are starting Moustache Awareness Month for male cancers - prostate cancer and testicular cancer, the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate reminds in a social media post. As part of the November campaign, men grow moustaches to support patients, arouse curiosity and initiate discussion about the...
Another installment of the nationwide social campaign under the slogan: "The only test like this" is taking off. This year, the campaign's message under the slogan: "The only test you probably haven't ordered" has been directed to the medical community. The main goal of the activities is to...
- The Da Vinci robot eliminates the surgeon's hand tremor, provides three-dimensional visualization of the surgical field and 40x magnification to see structures previously invisible. When operated on for prostate cancer, it allows surgeons to maintain sexual performance and avoid incontinence,...
Październik, Miesiąc Świadomości Raka Piersi, zbliża się ku końcowi, ale przekaz o znaczeniu profilaktyki i zdrowego stylu życia jest ważny przez cały rok. Dziś przeniesiemy się na chwilę do Narodowego Instytutu Onkologii w Warszawie, gdzie biała sobota była dniem pełnym wiedzy, dobrych emocji i...
How does modern robotics support doctors in achieving what was previously impossible? What is modern medicine, in which the boundaries between man and machine are blurred? How is the quality and outcomes of urological patients changing in the 21st century? Where will robotic evolution in health...
Interview with Prof. Teresa Jackowska, head of the CMKP Department of Pediatrics and president of the Polish Pediatric Society.
Nieleczona może prowadzić do kalectwa i śmierci. W Polsce chorują na nią ponad 2 miliony osób, ale tylko niecałe 5 procent z nich objętych jest leczeniem. Tymczasem proste „badanie diagnostyczne” w postaci pomiaru wzrostu może pomóc w wykryciu tej niebezpiecznej choroby.
Challenges related to the vaccination calendar, the role of artificial intelligence in promoting prophylaxis, health promotion in the office of an occupational physician or the importance of opinion leaders in dialogue with patients online. Such issues were the focus of discussions at the 3rd...
W Centrum Nauki Kopernik trwa trzecia edycja kongresu VACCINE FORUM organizowanego przez ekspertów Instytutu Ochrony Zdrowia i Porozumienia na Rzecz Dobrych Praktyk w Szczepieniach. Zapraszamy do oglądania transmisji!
A Regional Center for Digital Medicine will be established at the National Institute of Cardiology in Warsaw-Anin. Its purpose will be to support modern diagnosis and treatment of patients with cardiovascular diseases. Funds for the investment of nearly PLN 30 million come from a grant from the...
Czerniakowski Hospital on Stępińska Street in Warsaw has launched a sub-department of oncological surgery and started cooperation with the National Institute of Oncology PIB. This is good news for cancer patients, especially since their numbers continue to grow. The first surgeries have already...
Blood safety is one area that is particularly important not only for patients, but also for the functioning of the entire health care system. The need to further strengthen the blood donation system was discussed during the "Blood Safety - Patient Safety" conference, held at the PAP Press Center.
The Supreme Medical Chamber has developed a survey inspired by the election lantern, with which you can check the convergence of your views on the functioning of health care in Poland with the proposals of the largest national election committees.
Despite the achievements of invasive cardiology, the mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases in Poland before the introduction of the COS-MI did not fall, experts stressed on September 29 in Poznań during the debate "Interdisciplinary perspective on cardiovascular health of Poles - from...
By interacting with sight, touch, hearing and smell, it is possible to alleviate the negative effects of anti-cancer treatment, as well as to counteract depressive disorders and reduce anxiety. In the Warsaw Institute "Pomnik - Centrum Zdrowia Dziecka", thanks to the cooperation of the Foundation...
Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The research they conducted contributed to the development of the first mRNA vaccines to combat Covid-19.
The celebration of the 40th anniversary of parenteral nutrition in Poland will be held on October 5 at the SPSK of Prof. W. Orlowski CMKP in Warsaw. The celebration will focus on achievements in the field of nutrition therapy and the merits of improving the situation of Polish patients. Among the...
Ten NGOs from across Poland will implement HIV/AIDS education campaigns next year.
A unique event took place in Zabrze's Rokitnica on Friday, September 22. Doctors and dentists who left the walls of the Silesian Medical University in Katowice (the former Silesian Medical Academy) in 1973 met after 50 years to renew their diplomas and recant the words of the Hippocratic oath....
WHO experts estimate that by choosing the right lifestyle we can reduce the risk of a serious health crisis by 50%. A well-thought-out diet, regular physical activity, performing recommended tests, screening tests, taking advantage of the benefit of vaccinations, taking care of the right balance...
Cancers in children are curable in more than 80 percent of cases, and the results of leukemia treatment in children in Poland are better than in Western Europe. The challenge is oncological vigilance on the part of parents and doctors, access to molecular diagnostics and individualization of...
– Polska idzie w kierunku bycia liderem digitalizacji pewnych procesów w medycynie. Digitalizacja daje nam nie tylko dostęp do danych, ale i do ich analizy – powiedział prof. Piotr Rutkowski podczas XXVI Kongresu Polskiego Towarzystwa Onkologii Klinicznej, który odbył się na początku września w...
Instructors from the Air Ambulance and the Medical Emergency Department of the Warsaw Medical University are training Ukrainian female doctors, feldspersons and nurses. The course, held in Poland, will be attended by 90 women.
The Interdisciplinary Patient Safety Forum, organized by the Polish Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care (PTAiIT) and the Safe Patient Foundation, will be held in Krakow for the second time this weekend (September 15-17). The event will be a continuation of the "Decade of Patient Safety"...
Pharmacists want active inclusion in the health care system. To what extent and on what terms, says the president of the Supreme Pharmaceutical Council Elżbieta Piotrowska-Rutkowska.
Secretary of State at the Ministry of Health Waldemar Kraska talks about the summary of the ending term and challenges in health care.
- In the implementation of an effective public health policy, it is extremely important that all central institutions, local governments and private entities act in an integrated manner," said Deputy Health Minister Waldemar Kraska during the panel "Integrated cooperation - who benefits from it"...
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