Fundacja Żyjmy Zdrowo oraz Polsko-Amerykańska Fundacja Onkologiczna zapraszają do obejrzenia pełnego zapisu wideo II KONGRESU ZDROWIA MĘŻCZYZN.
Fertility preservation in oncology patients - oncofertility.
The Association of the College of Family Physicians in Poland is once again holding its annual congress for family physicians and primary care physicians. - This is a provable celebration of family medicine," says Dr. Michal Sutkowski and invites you to the congress.
Interview with Deputy Minister of Health Wojciech Konieczny, conducted during the 8th Patient Empowerment Congress.
- There is a singularization of old age. We observe this every day in geriatric wards. We have more and more patients who are lonely, have no indications for hospitalization, and there is nowhere to discharge them," said Prof. Tomasz Targowski, head of the Geriatrics Clinic and Polyclinic of the...
- We have lifted limits on hospice and palliative care, and are raising the valuation of these services. As of July 1, the valuation of services in psychiatry will increase. I have announced a competition for 3 billion zlotys to subsidize psychiatric hospitals for children and adolescents. They...
Prominent hematologists from Poland and abroad will spend four days of the 5th International Conference "Clinical and Experimental Hematology" discussing new methods of diagnosis and treatment. The opening lecture will be delivered by the President-elect of the European Society of Hematology. For...
There are no limits on a pharmacist's service in connection with reproductive health, the National Health Fund says. The National Health Fund will pay for any consultation by a pharmacist given to a patient who goes to a pharmacy for the morning-after pill.
- With any disease, prevention plays a key role. We hope that the recommendation of the Polish AIDS Scientific Society for HIV testing among doctors will also translate into a change in awareness among patients, and thus improve the detection of HIV infection," says Bożena Janicka, president of...
Every person who pays a health contribution in Poland is entitled to free dental care under the National Health Fund, but as an audit by the Supreme Audit Office (NIK) has shown, for some treatments this is only theory. It turns out that at the root of the problem were small outlays for free...
- We think this pilot makes sense, but our recommendation to pharmacists is clear. In the case of a minor patient, the consent of the legal guardian should be required," Marek Tomkow, president of the Supreme Pharmaceutical Chamber, comments in an interview with Medexpress, referring to the...
Approximately 300 million people worldwide suffer from asthma, with up to 4 million in Poland. If unrecognized or inadequately treated, the disease can lead to the development of a severe form. In our country, 35-40 thousand patients suffer from severe asthma, which is why education is so...
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1 maja upłynęło 20 lat od momentu, kiedy Polska wstąpiła do Unii Europejskiej. Jak podkreśla Rzecznik Praw Pacjenta, przystąpienie Polski do wspólnoty krajów europejskich w 2004 roku przyniosło szereg pozytywnych zmian we wszystkich obszarach, w tym ochronie zdrowia.
Until May 9, entities interested in implementing the infertility treatment program in 2024-2028 can submit their bids. The Ministry of Health has announced a competition. The program will be implemented under the rules provided for the health policy program.
To give an opinion on the draft amendment to the financial plan of the National Health Fund for 2024. Consideration of information on preventive vaccinations and planned measures to counteract further degradation of immunity to measles and pertussis and to achieve community immunity to influenza...
Transsexualism has again been recognized by the Ministry of Defense as a disqualifying premise from professional military service. Deputy Ombudsman Valeri Vachev has written to Defense Ministry Secretary of State Cezary Tomczyk on the matter. He asks, among other things, how and on what factual...
Pożegnajmy HPV - profilaktyka wirusa HPV poprzez szczepienia.
- The most years in health and the most years of life are taken away from us by smoking, high blood pressure and high BMI, i.e. overweight and obesity," said Dr. Janusz Krupa, president of the Institute for Conscious Man, during the presentation of the report "Smoking - the most important health...
In Katowice, at the International Congress Center, endocrinologists are celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Polish Society of Endocrinology. Its president is Professor Beata Kos - Kudła, head of the Department of Pathophysiology and Endocrinology-Clinic of Endocrinology and Neuroendocrine...
Interest in participating in the council created under the Minister for Senior Citizenship Policy exceeded the expectations of the authors of the idea for its establishment. There were 30 seats to fill, and the number of applications exceeded 170. Minister Marzena Okła-Drewnowicz wants to involve...
Konferencja pod patronatem Wicemarszałek Sejmu RP Moniki Wielichowskiej oraz Minister do spraw Polityki Senioralnej Marzeny Okły - Drewnowicz poświęcona wyzwaniom w najważniejszych obszarach polityki senioralnej.
The audited local government units in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship provided digital, architectural and information and communication accessibility in a limited way, which did not facilitate people with special needs to use the services of public institutions, the results of an audit...
- I will want to introduce the first elements of e-registration from June 1, Health Minister Izabela Leszczyna announced in an interview with Polish Radio Program 3. For now only "to certain specialists," but it is not known which ones. What is known is that orthopedists and traumatologists of...
Artur Drobniak and the current vice-president of the ORL in Warsaw, Olga Rostkowska, competed for the post of president. By the decision of the delegates of the XLVI Regional Medical Congress of the Prof. Jan Nielubowicz District Medical Chamber in Warsaw, Dr. Artur Drobniak became the new...
Recruitment for the Ministry of Sport and Tourism's "Active School" program kicked off just a week ago, and already schools from all over Poland have signed up, the Ministry of Sport and Tourism boasts. The program aims to open future sports facilities to all residents during after-school hours...
Rozpatrzenie informacji na temat przyszłości psychiatrii środowiskowej w Polsce – wdrażanie pilotażu Centrów Zdrowia Psychicznego oraz planów jego zmiany w rozwiązania systemowe – przedstawia Minister Zdrowia.Rozpatrzenie informacji na temat funkcjonowania infolinii dla osób dorosłych w kryzysie...
An increasing number of oncology patients in Poland are not only facing a disease diagnosis, but also face inequalities in access to modern diagnostic and, consequently, therapeutic methods. Despite tremendous advances in the field of molecular diagnostics, comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP)...
More knowledge is needed among Poles about the availability of cancer prevention tests - this is the main conclusion from a meeting between Dr. Nino Berdzula, director of the World Health Organization Office in Poland, and Dr. Beata Jagielska, director of NIO-PIB. It turns out that as many as 62...
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