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Adherence is key. The 21st edition of Servier's campaign for the Heart is launched

MedExpress Team

Piotr Wójcik

Published Oct. 1, 2024 08:42

Adherence is key. The 21st edition of Servier's campaign for the Heart is launched - Header image
About 90,000 people die each year in Poland from hypertension. It turns out that at the root of the problem lies primarily non-adherence to therapeutic recommendations. Servier has launched a campaign with an emphasis precisely on adherence. Practical materials are to teach patients how to take care to keep their blood pressure within normal limits.
- According to the WHO, about 80 percent of patients worldwide are not treated optimally. Only about 25-30 percent of patients in Poland are diagnosed with hypertension and treated effectively. Meanwhile, recommendations indicate that with a single pill we can control blood pressure in 90 percent of patients," stresses Professor Krzysztof Narkiewicz, MD, specialist in internal medicine and hypertensiology, head of the Department of Hypertension and Diabetology at the Gdansk Medical University

It turns out that almost 58 percent of hypertensive patients in Poland do not follow their treatment plan. This endangers their health and even their lives. Throughout Europe, about 200,000 people die each year due to non-compliance with doctor's recommendations. The problem arises as early as the stage of buying the drug prescribed by the doctor.

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