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Changes in the health premium of entrepreneurs. The government assures: almost everyone will gain, patients will not suffer either.

MedExpress Team

Piotr Wójcik

Published March 22, 2024 08:37

Changes in the health premium of entrepreneurs. The government assures: almost everyone will gain, patients will not suffer either. - Header image
fot. Piotr Wójcik
The government has presented a draft of changes to the rules for calculating health insurance premiums by entrepreneurs. The changes are expected to benefit 93 percent of them. The draft envisages equalizing business conditions for small entrepreneurs. The obligation to pay health premiums on the disposal of fixed assets will disappear.

- The new health premium means a benefit for 93 percent of taxpayers - especially those with lower and middle incomes. We are cleaning up and simplifying the rules for paying the health insurance premium and ensuring the financial stability of the health care system," said Finance Minister Andrzej Domanski.

PIT taxpayers engaged in business activities accounted for on the tax scale (more than 1.3 million people) will pay 9% of 75% of the minimum wage, or abou...

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