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Extension of working life in people of retirement age will increase

MedExpress Team

Piotr Wójcik

Published Oct. 11, 2024 10:16

- Not only do we have an aging population, but there are more and more people in late old age. This is happening as a result of people from the post-war baby boom entering senior age. This is a challenge for the labor market, but also for the health care system, the pension system. The average Polish 65-year-old has various health deficits and this is becoming a reason for quitting work. At the same time, more and more seniors are remaining economically active, despite their eligibility to retire," said Dr. Elżbieta Ostrowska of the Polish Association of Pensioners, Retirees and Invalids in an interview with Medexpress during a conference marking the 90th anniversary of the Social Insurance Institution.

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