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NIO-PIB has established cooperation with WHO Poland. It is about oncology prevention

MedExpress Team


Published April 10, 2024 08:10

NIO-PIB has established cooperation with WHO Poland. It is about oncology prevention - Header image
fot. NIO-PIB
More knowledge is needed among Poles about the availability of cancer prevention tests - this is the main conclusion from a meeting between Dr. Nino Berdzula, director of the World Health Organization Office in Poland, and Dr. Beata Jagielska, director of NIO-PIB. It turns out that as many as 62 percent of Poles are afraid of an oncology diagnosis, but only about 40 percent take advantage of the free tests that have been available for years. Cooperation between the Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Institute of Oncology and the World Health Organization may provide an opportunity to improve this situation.

- One of the WHO's key priorities is to improve the quality and effectiveness of screening programs and access to modern cancer therapies aimed at improving cancer outcomes. We aim to achieve these goals through cooperation with member states. The National Cancer Institute is an extremely important partner for us. We look forward to the development of cooperation, providing evidence of effective procedures and enabling the implementation of solutions tailored to local needs, both in screening and early diagnosis," Dr. Nino Berdzuli said at the meeting.

- Prevention, also for us, is in priority. However, it is no secret that Poland ca...

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