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Launch of YES campaign for family health

MedExpress Team

Published Sept. 25, 2023 10:03

Launch of YES campaign for family health - Header image
WHO experts estimate that by choosing the right lifestyle we can reduce the risk of a serious health crisis by 50%. A well-thought-out diet, regular physical activity, performing recommended tests, screening tests, taking advantage of the benefit of vaccinations, taking care of the right balance of work and rest - this is a chance for a better, fulfilled life. The more often we remind ourselves of this, the more likely we are to be heard. For years, the Polish Coalition of Oncology Patients and experts of the Medical Rationale of State have been appealing in the public space for attentiveness to health challenges to decision-makers, but also to each of us. On the 28th of September, this voice will be amplified during the debate and conference "YES to family health" initiating a public campaign with the same slogan.

Agata Kornhauser-Duda, the First Lady gave these activities honorary patronage in recognition of the value of preventing health crises among Poles.

The ambassador of the message about the necessary co-responsibility of each of us for our own condition agreed to become this year's Miss Polonia - Ewa Jakubiec, a certified nurse, a student of the Faculty of Public Health at the University of Wroclaw, a person who remains in dialogue with women in the simplest activities to prevent the development of cancer. Laura Breszka, a popular television, theater and dubbing actress, has also become an ambassador of the campaign.

The appeal to children to be physically active and reach for healthy food was promised to be supported by ski jumping champion Piotr Zyla with his voice, as well as in the subse...

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