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All about the egg

MedExpress Team


Published April 8, 2023 08:00

All about the egg - Header image
What is the nutritional value of eggs? How many calories does an egg have and how to cook it so the shell doesn't crack? How many eggs should you eat per week and how to check their freshness? - explains Dr. Agata Kiciak of the Department of Food Technology and Quality Assessment, Department of Dietetics, Faculty of Public Health in Bytom, Silesian Medical University.

What is the nutritional value of eggs? Which is healthier the white or the yolk and why?

The nutritional value of a chicken egg is determined by several factors. First of all, it is worth noting that egg yolk and egg white differ in their nutritional content. The overall nutritional value of eggs, can be influenced by the way eggs are cooked and prepared. Egg white is a complete protein with high biological value, it is the so-called reference protein, containing all amino acids, including essential amino acids (tryptophan, threonine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine), which the body can not produce on its own and therefore must be supplied with food.

The yolk of a hen's egg has a more varied chemical composition than the white, and is therefore a more valuable part of the egg; however, it is also more caloric.

Eggs have a favorable fat composition, providing many essential fatty acids for the body, including omega-3 fatty acids mainly in the form of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). DHA helps maintain brain and vision function.

An important component is lecithin, the content of which in the yolk is three times higher than in soybeans, the main dietary source of it. Lecithin is important for the proper functioning of the nervous system; it is a solid component of the brain, the myelin sheaths of nerve tissue, and participates in cholesterol metabolism.

A valuable ingredient in chicken eggs is choline, indicated as an important element for ensuring proper brain function, nervous system and liver metabolism. Studies indicate that choline plays an important role in brain and spinal cord development during pregnancy, cognitive development in infants, and may also help prevent cognitive decline in the elderly.

The xanthophylls contained in chicken eggs - zeoxanthin and lutein, which belong to the carotenoids, exhibit antioxidant properties. Important for ensuring the proper functioning of the organ of vision, they counteract the degeneration of th...

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