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MedExpress Team

Published Jan. 26, 2024 08:01

Is it FERRY? It's WINTER - Header image
The face and hands are the parts of the body that are most often uncovered in the winter, and therefore extremely vulnerable to the adverse effects of external factors. They are harmed by frost, wind, central heating and sudden changes in temperature. The face is difficult to hide entirely, gloves are easy to forget, and it really doesn't take much for irritation or even frostbite to occur.

Beautiful winter weather encourages spending time outdoors. It is worth taking advantage of the cold sunny days and the whole family to spend joyful moments in the snow. After all, the holidays in Poland are already underway, or are about to begin! Is it cold? Blowing? Is it snowing? As the Norwegians say: "There is no bad weather, there are only inappropriate clothes!", but in our opinion it is worth extending this saying to the theme of grooming.

The skin needs something different in summer, when it is exposed to particularly strong UV radiation or frequent contact with...

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