The Health Care Quality and Patient Safety Act, which was recently rejected by parliament, will return to the Sejm in May as a parliamentary bill. There will be significant changes in it, Health Minister Adam Niedzielski announced on Monday.
W poniedziałek 8 maja kolejne posiedzenie Rady Przejrzystości.
The Supreme Audit Institution has published a report on the provision of public information by government entities. In 2021, the health ministry received the most requests for public information. How about the implementation?
On the eve of World Rare Diseases Day, which is traditionally celebrated on February 28, a meeting of the Parliamentary Group for Rare Diseases was held in the Polish Parliament, accompanied by the opening of an exhibition prepared by the MukoKoalition entitled "My Life with Cystic Fibrosis. "My...
Cystic fibrosis is a severe, multisystem and life-shortening rare genetic disease, which manifests itself primarily through progressive and irreversible changes in the respiratory system and impaired pancreatic and gastrointestinal function. Dr. Maciej Urlik, M.D., and Anna Korzowska, mother of...
Interview with Prof. Marcin Gruchała, rector of the Medical University of Gdansk and chairman of the Conference of Rectors of Academic Medical Universities, conducted during the conference "Modern medical education as an answer to society's health needs" in Wroclaw.
Today's special editor of Medexpress is Joanna Baczul of the Polish Cystic Fibrosis Society.
Naczelna Rada Lekarska zaapelowała do ministra zdrowia o podjęcie pilnych prac legislacyjnych, mających na celu wprowadzenie realnych norm zatrudnienia lekarzy w przeliczeniu na liczbę łóżek szpitalnych w poszczególnych oddziałach w lecznictwie szpitalnym, zarówno w godzinach normalnej ordynacji,...
Do konsultacji przekazano Projekt rozporządzenia Ministra Zdrowia zmieniający rozporządzenie w sprawie nadania statutu Narodowemu Funduszowi Zdrowia.
– Nie status uczelni jest kluczowy, ale pilnowanie standardów. To dla nas priorytet. Warto robić wszystko, by utrwalić przekonanie, że ilość i jakość nie muszą stać w sprzeczności – powiedział wiceminister zdrowia Piotr Bromber podczas konferencji „Nowoczesna edukacja medyczna odpowiedzią na...
Prof. Jarosław Drożdż z Centralnego Szpitala Klinicznego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi omawia badania prezentowane podczas kongresu ACC.
Cracked and reddened corners of the mouth are hard to hide. Not only do they look ugly, but they can also signal a larger health problem. They appear more often in winter and early spring, usually suddenly and seemingly without a specific cause.
Thanks to coordinated care, PCPs have gained the opportunity to better use their expertise to provide patients with better, and in fact appropriate, medical care. Will this also reduce the pressure on AOS?
The Institute for Health Communication invites you to the 7th Patient Empowerment Congress, which this year will be held under the theme "Patient - Partner - Future."
Lupus erythematosus affects about 250,000 people in Europe. Mostly women suffer from it. In a special edition of Medexpress hosted by Violetta Zajk, president of the 3mmy się Razem Association, we host Dr. Katarzyna Romanowska-Próchnicka from the National Institute of Geriatrics, Rheumatology and...
What is the diagnosis of an autoimmune disease such as lupus in Poland and abroad? Using her experience as an example, Klaudia Kępa, in an interview with Medexpress special editor Violetta Zajk, talks about the differences in the patient path in Poland and the Netherlands.
The conference "Modern medical education as an answer to society's health needs", organized by the Conference of Rectors of Academic Medical Universities, began in the building of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Piastów Śląskich Medical University in Wroclaw.
Today's special editor in Medexpress in Patient Week is Violetta Zajk, president of the 3 Let's Stay Together Association. In the editorial board, we discuss, among other things, the needs of rheumatology patients, challenges in the area of diagnosis and early implementation of innovative...
Knowledge of rare hematological diseases, such as amyloidosis and mantle cell lymphoma, is still low in the public and among doctors. Therefore, they are diagnosed too late, treated less well, and patients who suffer from them have penny access to new therapies.
The OJ of the Ministry of Health published the May list of reimbursed drugs.The Health Ministry has published the Notice of the Minister of Health of April 20, 2023 on the list of reimbursed drugs, foodstuffs for special nutritional purposes and medical devicesTUandAnnouncement of the Minister of...
- We know how to activate people with disabilities socially and vocationally. There is a lack of coordination. We should not only provide and maintain employment for these people, but make work dignified and subjective," said Robert Jagodzinski, president of the Active Rehabilitation Foundation,...
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