Szymon Ostrowski, an economic journalist, creator and head of the channel and blog "Business on the spur", is a guest on the program It came out today.
Chodzi o usługi, które NFZ oferuje w Salach Obsługi Klientów w Oddziałach Wojewódzkich NFZ oraz na bezpłatnej i całodobowej infolinii 800 190 590.
With the arrival of spring, some of us notice that the condition of our hands and feet leaves a lot to be desired. The skin is dry and irritated, lacks elasticity and softness. These are typical symptoms after winter, which can easily be dealt with by properly selected dermocosmetics.
Clinical trials are less and less talked about anymore as the last possible therapy to be implemented or a medical experiment. In fact, it is through them that patients gain access to innovative treatments, not only in the last, but also in the first lines of treatment. The development of the...
Konferencja pod patronatem Wicemarszałek Sejmu RP Moniki Wielichowskiej oraz Minister do spraw Polityki Senioralnej Marzeny Okły - Drewnowicz poświęcona wyzwaniom w najważniejszych obszarach polityki senioralnej.
The Ombudsman has submitted comments to Minister Izabela Leszczyna on a draft regulation on the so-called "morning-after pill," providing for a pilot that would allow pharmacists to issue a pharmaceutical prescription for emergency contraception if it is justified by a patient's health condition...
There is a real epidemic of measles and whooping cough in our Czech brothers. What is the threat to us in the near future? Prof. Ernest Kuchar, head of the Department of Pediatrics with an Observation Unit (WUM) and LuxMed expert, answers.
Leaders of the Medical Professions Self-Government have published a joint position against attempts to antagonize health care workers. This is in response to the words of Health Minister Izabela Leszczyna.
The National Council of Laboratory Diagnosticians makes a comment on the omission of the body of the professional diagnosticians' self-government among those giving opinions on the draft regulation of the Minister of Health on the pilot program of pharmacist-led reproductive health care.
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in Poland and worldwide, the National Health Fund reminds us. Lifestyle changes and early diagnosis can reverse this unfavorable trend. Poles can benefit from examinations under the CVD prevention program.
Liczba osób objętych prywatnym ubezpieczeniem zdrowotnym stale rośnie i na koniec 2023 r. wyniosła 4,8 mln, czyli niemal o 14 proc. więcej niż rok wcześniej. W 2023 r. Polacy przeznaczyli na te ubezpieczenia ponad 1,7 mld zł. To o 33,1 proc. więcej niż w 2022 r.
Persons receiving health services provided by a psychiatric hospital have the right to assistance in protecting their rights. Legal representatives, legal and factual guardians also have this right. The Patient Ombudsman explains what powers are available to Psychiatric Hospital Patient Ombudsmen.
As the Ombudsman points out, worldview changes are taking place in the younger generation, with more and more students opting for various types of meat-free diets. Signals reaching the Ombudsman indicate that they are encountering problems in enjoying wholesome meatless meals in educational...
Safe food, or how? The Chief Sanitary Inspector explains that safe food is food that will not cause harm or danger to the health of the consumer. Therefore, food operators (e.g., farmers, entrepreneurs, shopkeepers) must ensure appropriate conditions at all stages of its production and...
Are we born with a desire to help? Does it pay to help? Or is a good person a foolish person? Is there a black side to helping? The guests of editor Bozena Stasiak are Marta Noryśkiewicz, psychologist, psychotherapist, and Robert Lipka, cultural anthropologist.
Krajowa Administracja Skarbowa pozyskuje od Izb Lekarskich dane o wystawionych receptach. Na ich podstawie na wyliczyć liczbę świadczeń udzielonych przez dany podmiot leczniczy. Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich Marcin Wiącek ma wątpliwości i występuje w tej sprawie do szefa Krajowej Administracji...
The Ombudsman draws attention to the need to build drug security, including strengthening drug production in the country and publishing a list of critical medicines. Marcin Wiącek has addressed Health Minister Izabela Leszczyna and Development and Technology Minister Krzysztof Hetman on the issue.
The audited local government units in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship provided digital, architectural and information and communication accessibility in a limited way, which did not facilitate people with special needs to use the services of public institutions, the results of an audit...
- I will want to introduce the first elements of e-registration from June 1, Health Minister Izabela Leszczyna announced in an interview with Polish Radio Program 3. For now only "to certain specialists," but it is not known which ones. What is known is that orthopedists and traumatologists of...
Wykorzystanie zaawansowanej technologii trójwymiarowej oraz zaawansowanej animacji do szczegółowego odtworzenia anatomii miednicy oraz przedstawienia procesów porodowych stanowi pionierskie podejście – wyjaśnia Przemysław Jędrusik, kierownik Centrum Kształcenia Zdalnego i Analiz Efektów...
The Supreme Audit Institution has negatively assessed the implementation of the Health Minister's orders on additional cash benefits granted in connection with countering and combating COVID-19, the so-called covid allowances. The NFZ has provided the first information on the implementation of...
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