The Presidium of the Supreme Medical Council has expressed a negative opinion on the manner in which the draft regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education on educational standards for medical professions is being processed. It points out that the time for consultations was too...
Nursing students with a positive HIV test result face serious difficulties in completing their mandatory internships. Medical facilities with which universities cooperate require candidates to have a negative test result. Deputy Ombudsman Stanislaw Trociuk is intervening in the matter, directing...
The Minister of Health is appointing a team to develop proposals for changes in the standard of training for laboratory diagnosticians. Experts will analyze the current regulations and propose to adapt them to the current needs of the labor market.
25 lutego 2025 r. odbyło się XXIII posiedzenie II kadencji Krajowej Rady Fizjoterapeutów, podczas którego podjęto kluczowe decyzje dotyczące organizacji Nadzwyczajnego Krajowego Zjazdu Fizjoterapeutów. W wyniku głosowania uchylono uchwały z grudnia 2024 r., a także powołano nowy zespół do...
When introducing simplified procedures for allowing non-EU doctors to work in Poland, politicians assured that full patient safety would be maintained. This is a sham: the inability to verify the documents presented means that a permit to work as a doctor can also be obtained by a person with no...
There is no consensus among doctors that a man with no medical knowledge or training should not only treat patients, but also, without consequence, make statements that undermine patients' trust in doctors. The president of the Regional Medical Council in Szczecin, Michal Bulsa, decided to write...
A tragic incident occurred during a medical intervention in Siedlce - the death of a paramedic. He was stabbed by a patient he was trying to save. The tragic event sparked a discussion about how to protect rescuers, how to equip and train them. A unique class is being offered to its students by...
Dynamic social, technological and legal changes pose new challenges to the public trust professions. Hence the great role of professional self-governments in effectively representing individual members and the entire environment. The youngest - right after the professional self-government of...
On January 27 at the office of the National Chamber of Physiotherapists, awards were presented for the best master's theses in physiotherapy defended in the 2023/2024 academic year. This is the fifth edition of the competition, which recognizes innovation and high scientific level.
Nearly two-thirds of doctors are positive about the proposal that a specialist should earn a minimum of three national averages while working full-time, according to a report presented by the Supreme Medical Chamber. That doesn't mean, however, that doctors would be induced by such a salary to...
On January 17, the Supreme Medical Council was to decide on the organization of an extraordinary congress - eight district medical councils had previously passed resolutions on the need to discuss and vote on the dismissal of the current NRL president. However, there will be no congress, but a...
We asked Mark Tomkow, president of the Supreme Pharmaceutical Council, to summarize the passing year.
Busy, jubilee and unprecedented! Such for the doctors of the Healthcare Employers' Agreement was 2024. - We managed to solve many problems, but there is still a lot of work ahead of us. We don't intend to slow down," says Bozena Janicka, president of the PPOZ, adding that in 2025 - in accordance...
- We are in constant contact with those whose cases are still being processed, but we believe that ultimately each of them will end in a settlement," says Maria Klosinska of the Supreme Chamber of Physicians, who is responsible in the local government for helping doctors fined by the National...
A press conference, organized by the National Board of the All-Polish Medical Trade Union, devoted to the doctor as a participant in the labor market in the context of place and form of employment, remuneration and experience in working with public and private health care, was held last Wednesday...
- I believe that the results of today's meeting will contribute to better cooperation between our professions and joint action for the benefit of patients," said the head of the medical self-government Lukasz Jankowski at a joint meeting of the Presidiums of the Supreme Medical Council and the...
Psychotherapy should be first and foremost a form of treatment, and our common goal should be to make it more accessible to all patients, not just those who can afford private care," says psychologist and psychotherapist Grzegorz Marek, secretary of the Polish Association for Cognitive and...
"The Polish Society of Physician Managers, looking at the public narrative blaming medics, and doctors in particular, with the catastrophic state of the National Health Fund's finances, unequivocally states that the current burdening of doctors with the situation of the National Health Fund is a...
- We are seeing an increased influx of patients, as those from the Zywiec district are also reaching us. Our ED, Emergency Room and wards are overcrowded. Places are beginning to be in short supply, especially for internal medicine and surgical patients, according to Dr. Klaudiusz Komor, vice-...
On October 16-19, 2024, the World Medical Association (WMA) General Assembly in Helsinki marked the eighth revision of the Declaration of Helsinki. The document, created in 1964, remains a key determinant of ethical standards for research involving human subjects, especially in situations where...
The Presidium of the Supreme Medical Council strongly opposes the possibility of conducting medical and medical-dental studies in Poland based on curricula developed outside the European Union.
Primary care physicians, who are affiliated with the Zielonogórskie Alliance Federation, are opposed to the recommendations contained in the published report of the Prescription and Fulfillment Team. Despite the team's twelve-month effort to streamline the prescription system, they say, the...
- We strongly oppose the theses spread by the Polish Association of Independent Physicians and Scientists undermining the effectiveness and safety of HPV vaccination," stresses Magda Wisniewka, MD, chairwoman of the Board of Experts of the Supreme Medical Chamber, and adds that a doctor's...
Recall that the idea is controversial. There was talk of an attack on the independence and quality of education. Despite this, the Council of Ministers approved a draft law amending the law on the Medical Center for Postgraduate Education and certain other laws, submitted by the Minister of Health.
- For us, the most important goal is that the doctor of the future should not be afraid to treat," said Lukasz Jankowski, president of the Supreme Medical Council, during a conference for doctors in training, Kick off Meeting, organized in Otwock by the District Medical Chamber in Warsaw. The NRL...
The selection of the head of the Medical Center for Postgraduate Education is to be made by a panel of experts, indicated by the Minister of Health, and not by the Electoral College - such a change results from the draft amendment to the Law on CMKP, which is already out for consultation. The...
Polish nurses and midwives are demanding an immediate response from the Prime Minister to the citizens' bill on health care salaries. They accuse the government of ignoring the problem of staff shortages in the public health care system and failing to take real action to ensure patient safety.
Polish pharmacists are celebrating their holiday today. At the end of 2023, 11.5 thousand pharmacies (public and company pharmacies) and 1.1 thousand pharmacy points were in operation, with 57.8 thousand master pharmacists and pharmacy technicians working there, according to data from the Central...
The Ministry of Health publishes an announcement on entry in the Central Register of Persons Authorized to Practice the Medical Profession.
Nearly 1.2 thousand graduates of the medical and medical-dental faculties received today in the auditorium of the Warsaw Medical University referrals for internships at hospital units operating in the area of the District Medical Chamber of Warsaw.
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