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Doctors do not hide their surprise: Another university without accreditation intends to recruit for medical faculty

MedExpress Team

Published March 22, 2024 09:16

Doctors do not hide their surprise: Another university without accreditation intends to recruit for medical faculty - Header image
In connection with media reports about the Tarnów Academy's plans to open a medical faculty despite the PKA's negative opinion, the OZZL Residents' Agreement is sending a letter to Minister of Science and Higher Education Dariusz Wieczorek.

We publish the contents of the letter:

On 20/03/2024, disturbing media information emerged for the medical community. As reported by Radio Krakow, the Tarnów Academy has declared that it will begin recruiting for the medical faculty despite the negative opinion of the Polish Accreditation Commission. The university also says it will not be audited. Thi...

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