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The Ministry of Health encourages young doctors to specialize in oncology

MedExpress Team

Piotr Wójcik

Published Oct. 11, 2022 10:30

The Ministry of Health encourages young doctors to specialize in oncology - Header image
Fot. Ministerstwo Zdrowia
"Oncology - turn on your medical passion!" this is the slogan of the campaign that aims to encourage future doctors to choose this specialization. - Tumors are becoming one of the main causes of death, ¬ reminded Minister of Health Adam Niedzielski during the conference inaugurating the campaign.

There is a shortage of oncologists in Poland. Only 60 percent is occupied. places in this specialization. On Monday, the Ministry of Health launched the "Oncology - turn on your medical passion!" Campaign. With the help of film materials in which specialists in oncology fields, ...

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