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We already have 39 universities and 8,000 places in medical studies. There are doubts about the quality of education and the lowering of criteria

MedExpress Team

Published Feb. 22, 2024 12:39

We already have 39 universities and 8,000 places in medical studies.  There are doubts about the quality of education and the lowering of criteria - Header image
fot. Piotr Wójcik
The rate of 3.6 doctors per 100,000 residents is at the EU average. We need to think about how many doctors we need to make our health care system work efficiently. This should be the basis for deciding the fate of new medical faculties," Deputy Minister Urszula Demkow pointed out during Wednesday's meeting of the Health Committee.

Deputies discussed the operation of medical faculties launched between 2015 and 2023, but the focus was mainly on 2022-2023, when as many as seventeen schools received permits - often against the negative opinion of the PKA. To make this possible, the criteria were lowered several times, amending the Higher Education Law, despite loud protests from the medical self-government and medical trade union organizations. The ministers of health and science in Mateusz Morawiecki's government, commenting on these protests, claimed that doctors were defending their "corporate interests." The doctors retorted that they were defending patient safety, which is threatened by the degradation of the education system.

- An analysis prepared by the MZ Department of Analysis and Strategy shows that the global number of doctors is not the biggest problem. The problem is their distribution and the specialties they practice. The generation gap is also a problem. Older-aged medics predominate, middle-aged medics are scarce, and doctors of the younger generation are only now arriving. For this reason, the debate on the future of universities, whether to open new faculties or not, should be conduct...

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