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Don't feed anxiety - how to support HCV patients?

MedExpress Team


Published April 25, 2022 13:10

Don't feed anxiety - how to support HCV patients? - Header image
Today, the special publisher of Medexpress is Sebastian Gawlik from the Urszula Jaworska Foundation. We talk about the important role played by the patient's emotions during his therapeutic path. The guest of the Patient Week is Ilona Stankiewicz, a psycho-oncologist from the Department of Hematology, Transplantology and Internal Diseases of the University Clinical Center of the Medical University of Warsaw.



In the conversation we asked, among others at:

  • emotions faced by chronically ill patients
  • the role of beliefs about illness that guide us in our lives
  • the emotional burden caused by the war in Ukraine and how to deal with it when you are chronically ill

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