- So far, no region of Poland, no city or municipality has carried out similar research at home. This is an innovative project, unique in Poland. The co-organizers of the project are the Zabrze City Hall, which we thank for its financial support, and the Silesian Center for Heart Diseases Foundation in Zabrze," explains Prof. Mariusz Gąsior, head of the 3rd SUM Cardiology Clinic at SCCS in Zabrze.
- In many patients, we have evidence of premature coronary heart disease, stroke and sudden death at a young age. Familial hypercholesterolemia is responsible for some of this. There are about 30 million patients in the world with this type of hypercholesterolemia, in Poland alone the number is about 200,000 people, most of whom are unaware of the disease. The disease results in premature atherosclerosis, resulting in heart attacks or strokes i...
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