Speech therapy is an interdisciplinary scientific field that deals with linguistic communication, that is, linguistic communication and disorders in this area. It brings together numerous branches of science: neurology, audiology, phoniatrics, ENT, orthodontics psychiatry, psychology, physiotherapy, pedagogy, special education and linguistics. This very long list does not exhaust all the areas that a speech therapist reaches out to in his work anyway. Cooperation with specialists in other fields is very important because it significantly improves the results of work with the patient.
A speech therapist's charge can be made at any stage of life. The first contact with him often occurs just after birth. In neonatal wards, speech therapists support the normal development of premature babies, working closely with the entire medical team. This allows them to perfect correct motor patterns based on reflexes, which are the basis for proper development. Often the newborn's life-saving procedures involve key areas related to reflexes, such as the mouth, hands and feet. Working with a speech therapist at th...
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