It is not nurses and midwives who decide on hospital budgets, financial policy or health care organization! - The Supreme Council of Nurses and Midwives is reacting to what was said at a meeting of a panel on local government hospitals.
New drugs may contain undeclared and dangerous contaminants that increase the risk of serious poisoning and even death. To use them is to put oneself at risk of losing one's health or life. In 2024, several deaths were reported in which a substance called N-etylonorpentedron (NEP) was detected in...
There is more money in the health care system than ever, yet it is still in short supply. On the one hand, growing needs, on the other, waste and inefficiency. Why are patients increasing, doctors scarce, and money... never enough? We discuss the paradoxes of health care financing and why we need...
Health Minister Izabela Leszczyna is not in favor of lowering the premium for entrepreneurs and has announced that she will not vote for the bill. - The NFZ will not be able to bear it," she admitted. The bill is already past its second reading, and on Thursday morning the combined Health and...
President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda handed out nomination acts to academic teachers and employees of science and the arts. As many as 22 nominations were given to health-related individuals.
The Draft Regulation of the Minister of Health amending the Regulation on types, scope and models of medical records and the manner of their processing has been submitted for consultation.
Posłowie chcą uściślenia w nowelizacji ustawy o Państwowym Ratownictwie Medycznym zapisu dotyczącego czasu, jaki SOR będzie mieć na przejście pacjenta, przywiezionego karetką przez ratowników.
You are behaving completely irresponsibly," thundered Adrian Zandberg (Together) during a meeting of the combined Health and Public Finance committees, in an attempt to convince MPs to reject the bill lowering the health premium for entrepreneurs.
Województwo świętokrzyskie mierzy się z poważnymi problemami w zakresie domowej opieki hospicyjnej. Brak wystarczającej liczby placówek, niedobór personelu medycznego oraz nierzetelne listy oczekujących sprawiają, że nie wszyscy pacjenci wymagający specjalistycznego wsparcia mogą z niego...
A six-year-old patient with diphtheria has been in the Lower Silesian Pediatric Center for several days and undergoing intensive care. The unvaccinated child - according to doctors, he has not received a single dose - returned infected from a vacation in an African country.
Health has ceased to be an exclusive area of public services and has become an element of broader security, state sovereignty and the security of entire societies, Deputy Health Minister Katarzyna Kacperczyk said during the 10th Health Challenges Congress in Katowice (March 13-14). The link...
Rada Ministrów przyjęła uchwałę zmieniającą Narodowy Program Chorób Układu Krążenia na lata 2022–2032. Dokument, przedłożony przez Minister Zdrowia, ma na celu usprawnienie działań związanych z profilaktyką, diagnozowaniem i leczeniem chorób sercowo-naczyniowych w Polsce.
How to ensure stable financing for the health care system? A think tank from the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) presented ten ways to increase the revenue of the National Health Fund from private sources and the state budget on Monday. Some of the recommendations are proposals that have been...
The Supreme Medical Council has appealed to the Minister of Health to abolish the simplified procedures for acquiring the right to practice as a doctor and dentist in Poland. According to the medical community, the current regulations threaten patient safety because they do not ensure reliable...
Nominally, we are paying more and more for services, but accessibility is declining. The median waiting time for an AOS appointment in urgent cases has increased by nearly 40 percent. - According to the Health Care Financing Monitor, which was unveiled Thursday.
- Porozumienia zawierane są na poziomie 70%, a w niektórych przypadkach więcej. Jest to dla większości lekarzy dentystów satysfakcjonujące rozwiązanie, choć oczywiście nie jest idealne. Okręgowa Rada Lekarska w Szczecinie od początku stawała po stronie dentystów i wiedzieliśmy, że konieczne jest,...
Experts are warning that this year's flu season is much more difficult than in previous years. The GIS estimates that the number of illnesses since September has already settled around two million, and the infectious season will continue for several more weeks, even if we assume that the peak of...
Experts estimate that the gap in payer finances in the next four years could rub off on a quarter of a trillion zlotys. It's as if next year, when the projected cost of the system will be less than 240 billion zlotys, we will hang up a card on January 1 and announce: Due to the failure, we do not...
Despite the introduction of numerous reforms and long-standing programs, such as the National Cancer Control Program and the National Oncology Strategy, the Polish oncology care system still fails to provide comprehensive treatment and equal access to services. Staff shortages, dispersion of...
The Draft Regulation of the Minister of Health on the Model Card for Oncology Diagnosis and Treatment has been submitted for consultation.
In view of the numerous challenges facing the Polish health care system, the National Association of Employers of County Hospitals is presenting proposals for system and organizational changes that could improve the functioning of primary health care and relieve the burden on county hospitals.
A parliamentary emergency subcommittee has approved a draft of changes to health premiums to take effect on January 1, 2026. MPs were not persuaded by arguments about the critically difficult financial situation of the National Health Fund and the gap between the payer's revenues and costs, which...
The automatic barrier pneumatic tent is the work of scientists from several universities, with the leading role of the Silesian Medical University. It is an innovative solution that makes it possible to effectively isolate medical personnel from an infectious patient. - Thanks to this, medics can...
Between 2025 and 2028, the National Health Fund may need nearly a quarter trillion zlotys in budget subsidies, which will contribute to a larger deficit in public finances of up to 1.9 percent of GDP - meanwhile, Poland is subject to an excessive deficit procedure and must reduce the deficit by 3...
Mateusz Grajek, MD, from the Department of Public Health at the Silesian Medical University, the initiator of a recent study published in the journal Cancers(, and his team of researchers analyzed the long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on oncology...
The Presidium of the Supreme Medical Council has expressed strong opposition to the proposal to allow nurses to perform anesthesia on their own. According to the doctors, Polish anesthesiology is one of the safest in Europe thanks to high standards and close cooperation between anesthesiologists...
The Minister of Health has granted accreditations to 8 hospitals.
The President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda, handed out nomination acts to academics and employees of science and the arts. As many as 29 professorial appointments were given to health-related individuals.
The re-announcement of the call for competition from the Medical Fund for investment in oncology is planned for March 2025. The Health Ministry will maintain the level of the allocation from the cancelled competition, i.e. PLN 4.2 billion will be up for grabs. No one has taken money away from the...
Cardiovascular diseases are still the leading cause of death in Poland. They are responsible for nearly 35 percent of deaths, and the total cost of managing CVD is PLN 56 billion, or PLN 1,200 per capita. These are the conclusions of the report "Toward Improving Cardiovascular Health in Poland,"...
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