On the eve of the independence anniversary, the coalition agreement was signed by the leaders of the Civic Coalition, the Third Way and the Left.
Podmioty, które nie mają uruchomionego standardu rachunku kosztów, lub mają tylko jego część, a muszą uaktualnić cenniki usług, często wykorzystują tak zwaną metodę „średniej z miasta”, czyli analizują cenniki innych podmiotów i na tej podstawie ustalają swoje ceny. Oczywiście, dobrze jest...
President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda handed out nomination acts to academic teachers and employees of science and art.
Podczas sierpniowego spotkania prezes NRL Łukasz Jankowski przekazał nowej minister listę zadań do wdrożenia przez resort zdrowia, tzw. siódemkę NIL. Czy rzeczywiście postulaty samorządu lekarskiego są „powoli wdrażane” lub już zostały wdrożone, jak stwierdziła minister Sójka?
On Tuesday, a meeting was held between the Board of Directors of the National Association of Employers of County Hospitals and the Association of Polish Counties and Deputy Minister of Health Maciej Miłkowski, President of the National Health Fund Filip Nowak and President of the Agency for...
On January 1, 2024, the Decree of the Minister of Health of July 15, 2021, on the models of the birth card and the stillbirth card (Journal of Laws, item 1421, as amended), in which the models of the birth card and the stillbirth card are specified, taking into account the scope of the data...
The Delegation of the Supreme Audit Office in Katowice has filed a notice on reasonable suspicion of a crime committed by the Prime Minister.
The following were submitted for consultation
As of November, new regulations went into effect regarding the issuance of prescriptions for drugs containing certain narcotics or psychotropic substances. They can no longer be issued in paper form.
In one of the largest pharmacy chains, cameras and microphones were supposed to record conversations between employees, including with customers at the windows - employees were supposed to sign consents to this; customers were not warned about this. Ombudsman Marcin Wiącek is appealing to the...
As of November 1, 2023, regulations will come into force, allowing the National Health Fund to enter into agreements with operators of general pharmacies and to bill public funds for the performance of recommended immunizations in pharmacies.
More patients will benefit from more services, and doctors will order more tests - these are expected to be the benefits of the changes in primary health care that went into effect in November. The Health Ministry is reminding how coordinated care will now work and what powers primary care...
Of the funds allocated for the establishment of the Temporary Hospital in the Nidzica ZOZ, more than one million zlotys were spent in contravention of the contract. What are the results of the NIK audit?
In the opinion of the National Council of Laboratory Diagnosticians, the draft regulation of the Minister of Health on the requirements to be met by a medical diagnostic laboratory and the qualifications of personnel, submitted for an opinion, not only fails to meet the expectations of the...
Od listopada do programu profilaktyki raka piersi i raka szyjki macicy uprawnionych będzie więcej kobiet – przypomina Ministerstwo Zdrowia. Bez skierowania, bezpłatne badania mammograficzne będą mogły wykonać panie w wieku 45-74, a bezpłatne badania cytologiczne będą przysługiwać kobietom w wieku...
- We advocate that in Poland 8 percent of GDP should go to health. Marcelina Zawisza would not evade taking responsibility for this sector in such a situation. Without a guarantee of real funds to heal health care, of course not," said Adrian Zandberg, leader of the Left Together, in the Graffiti...
The purpose of the regulation is to establish the National Mental Health Program for 2023-2030. The program is a continuation of the National Mental Health Program for 2017-2022.Due to the increased importance of mental health, in the context of increasing levels of social risks, such as the...
The Draft Regulation of the Minister of Health on the requirements to be met by a medical diagnostic laboratory and the qualifications of personnel has been submitted for consultation.
- The intellectual, professional part must keep up with the new technology. It is not enough to put a robot in a hospital so that patients can be cared for safely, says Filip Nowak, president of the National Health Fund.
Dyrektor Departamentu Współpracy Międzynarodowej w MZ Katarzyna Drążek-Laskowska została wybrana do Rady Wykonawczej WHO (Executive Board - EB WHO), a zastępca dyrektora DWM Ewa Nowacka zasiądzie w Regionalnej Grupie Ewaluacyjnej (REG WHO).Wybory do Rady Wykonawczej oraz Regionalnej Grupy...
The Supreme Medical Council calls on the Minister of Health to take urgent steps to ensure a significant increase in funding for hospital services in pediatrics and child and adolescent psychiatry. In the opinion of the Medical Council, the current level of funding does not allow children's...
The Council of Ministers has adopted a resolution amending the resolution on the establishment of a multi-year program called "Program to support psychiatric wards for children and adolescents for 2022-2023," submitted by the Minister of Health.
"We are extending until the end of the year the rule on verifying the history of prescriptions for narcotics and psychotropic drugs before issuing more," the Health Ministry said. The rule, the ministry added, will have a warning category, rather than a blocking category.
The medical council is opposed to giving the criteria for determining permanent irreversible cessation of brain function (brain death) the character of a legal act, being a source of universally applicable law. The Supreme Medical Council is concerned that replacing the current guidelines...
Sixty-eight thousand patients benefited from the KOS-ZAWAL program from October 2017 to December 2022, with reimbursement of services under the program amounting to PLN 1.25 billion, according to a summary prepared by a team of NFZ analysts. Patients enrolled in the program received...
Zgodnie z zasadami działania Rady ds. Rozwoju Stomatologii przy Ministerstwie Zdrowia po pół roku przewodnictwo w niej przejmuje przedstawiciel zawodowego samorządu lekarzy i lekarzy dentystów. Priorytet rady w najbliższym półroczu będą stanowiły działania na rzecz poprawy warunków pracy kadry...
The Draft Regulation of the Minister of Health on courses authorizing to work as a medical dispatcher and a provincial coordinator of emergency medical services, as well as an in-service course for medical dispatchers, has been submitted for consultation.
Nawet 100 tysięcy osób rocznie umiera w Polsce z powodu zakrzepicy. W wyniku chorób związanych z zakrzepami i zatorami umiera co czwarta osoba na świecie. O zakrzepicy mówimy coraz więcej, ale wciąż za mało. Tymczasem profilaktyka ma w przypadku tego schorzenia ogromne znaczenie. Dostępne są...
Patients can now benefit from the Comprehensive Care for Patients with Early Arthritis (COWZS) pilot program. On Tuesday (17.10.), Health Minister Katherine Sójka signed a regulation on the pilot.
- We need to build public awareness of rare diseases. We want the platform to be created by experts who deal with rare diseases in cooperation with NGOs," said Health Minister Katarzyna Sójka during a meeting with the Rare Diseases Council. The information platform, which is one of the goals of...
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