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Act on aid for refugees signed by the president. Impunity denied

MedExpress Team


Published March 14, 2022 08:32

Act on aid for refugees signed by the president. Impunity denied - Header image
Fot: Andrzej Hrechorowicz;
On Saturday, by the majority of one vote, the Sejm adopted the Senate's amendments concerning the so-called provisions on impunity of officials and entrepreneurs. The deputies also adopted a dozen other Senate amendments.

On Friday night, the Senate adopted a total of sixty amendments to the law on assistance to Ukrainian citizens in connection with an armed conflict in the territory of that state. On Saturday, the Sejm adopted a dozen of them, including those that deleted the provisions on the so-called impunity of public officials and entrepreneurs. The absolute majority needed to reject this amendment was 229 votes. 228 deputies voted against the amendment, 227 against, and one person absta...

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