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Zielonogórska Porozumienie Zielonogórskie: Coordinated care instead of bonuses for doctors generates losses

MedExpress Team

Published Sept. 30, 2024 07:52

Zielonogórska Porozumienie Zielonogórskie: Coordinated care instead of bonuses for doctors generates losses - Header image
Fot. Getty Images/iStockphoto
The coordinated care program was supposed to bring better quality services to patients, but instead it is starting to generate financial problems for PCP clinics. Despite the fact that already one-third of POZ clinics have joined the program, in many regions the National Health Service has still not paid out for overages. This delay could seriously affect the operation of outpatient clinics and slow down the development of coordinated care.

- This is the situation in Silesia, Podlasie, Lesser Poland and Łódź provinces, among others. Many PCP clinics have not received due payments since June. We are talking about serious amounts - from tens to even hundreds of thousands of zlotys, which is beginning to threaten the loss of financial liquidity of some POZ clinics. This is a serious problem, which is why I hope that it will be noticed by the NFZ and resolved as soon as possible," says Tomasz Zieliński, vice-president of the Zielonogórska Porozumienie ...

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