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Alkolods have replaced alcotubes. What does the health ministry say about it?

MedExpress Team

Piotr Wójcik

Published Oct. 16, 2024 08:45

Alkolods have replaced alcotubes. What does the health ministry say about it? - Header image
A controversial new product has appeared on store shelves, or rather... in store freezers. Alkolods are a new idea of alcohol producers to increase sales, unfortunately to the potential detriment of the youngest. The portal alerted about their introduction to the market. - I don't have parliamentary words to describe it," says Health Minister Izabela Leszczyna, adding that once the law written with alcotubes in mind comes into effect, it will also be impossible to sell such products.

Recall, earlier this month a storm swept through parliament, the media and public debate. It was about the appearance on store shelves of a new product containing alcohol - so-called alcotubes, deceptively similar to fruit mousses for children. As a result of the ...

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