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American Heart of Poland finalizes deal to acquire Scanmed Group

MedExpress Team

Published Dec. 13, 2024 07:43

American Heart of Poland finalizes deal to acquire Scanmed Group - Header image
Fot. Getty Images/iStockphoto
American Heart of Poland (backed by Gruppo San Donato Italy and GKSD Investment Holding), which operates in the public healthcare system, on December 12, 2024 finalized the acquisition of control of the Scanmed Group, which includes more than 30 medical facilities, including: 4 multi-specialty hospitals and 3 monoclinics, cardiology departments and a network of primary care clinics and outpatient specialty care.

This is another step in American Heart of Poland's expansion as part of its long-term strategy to support the development of Poland's public healthcare system. The AHP Group's goal is to increase its presence in new locations, as well as in new medical specialties oriented toward treating lifestyle diseases of an aging population. As part of the Scanmed Group's acquisition, American Heart of Poland will nearly double the size of its operations, which will particularly benefit the quality of patient treatment under the National Health Fund by coordinating patients in inpatient treatment, rehabilitation, diagnostics, outpatient specialty care, primary care and preventive programs. The AHP Group will also significantly increase its territorial reach, offering medical care to nearly 900,000 patients a year after the merger - as a result, it will manage facilities in 48 Polish cities, in 13 provinces.

For patients, this means improved access and quality provided by coordinated care, including, in particular, National Health Fund programs such as KOS-infarction, conducte...

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