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HPV vaccination program launches. Enrollment starting Saturday

MedExpress Team

Piotr Wójcik

Published May 26, 2023 12:31

HPV vaccination program launches. Enrollment starting Saturday - Header image
fot. Piotr Wójcik
- This is an opportunity to ensure that future generations of Polish women no longer have to fight cervical cancer, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said. The HPV vaccination program for girls and boys aged 12-13 was announced today (26.05.). It will be possible to sign up for the vaccination starting Saturday (27.05.).

As Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki stressed, the vaccinations will be free and voluntary.

- Health is not and cannot be a commodity, it is a priceless value. We want all girls and boys to be able to take advantage of this vaccine voluntarily, but also free of charge. We want to take advantage of the benefits of modern science and medicine, and put as much emphasis as possible on prevention, on cancer prevention. Today, more than half of women lose the battle against cervical...

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