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British scientists studied the condition of the rivers. It's not good

MedExpress Team


Published Feb. 15, 2022 11:29

British scientists studied the condition of the rivers. It's not good - Header image
Fot. Getty Images/iStockphoto
Pollution of rivers with pharmaceuticals is increasing in the world. The University of York in the UK produced a report showing that acetaminophen, nicotine, caffeine, and drugs for epilepsy and diabetes were most commonly found in freshwater.

The survey is so far the most widely carried out in the world. It analyzed water samples from more than 1,000 test sites in more than 100 countries. The rivers in Pakistan, Bolivia and Ethiopia are the most polluted. Rivers in Iceland, Norway and the Amazon rainforest have the best condition.

More than a quarter of the 258 rivers sampled contained so-called active pharmaceutical ingredients at levels considered u...

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