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Vaccination calendar in a child with cancer. What is worth knowing?

MedExpress Team

Piotr Wójcik

Published Oct. 24, 2024 09:04

Vaccination calendar in a child with cancer. What is worth knowing? - Header image
fot. Piotr Wójcik
Children suffering from cancer have weakened immune systems. This is due to both the nature of the disease itself, which causes immune system dysfunction, and the intensive treatment they must undergo. As a result, they are also particularly vulnerable to infection, which is why it is so important to use vaccinations that can help protect young patients during and after treatment. However, this process requires special care and precise planning of the vaccination schedule, taking into account the phase of the disease and the anticancer therapies implemented in the child.

Implementing childhood immunizations according to the calendar is crucial to maintaining public health. High vaccination rates create so-called collective immunity, which helps stop the spread of dangerous diseases like pertussis. Therefore, the vaccination of children should not be abandoned, but in the case of serious diseases, it must be properly scheduled.

Immunization of immunocompromised children

Children with cancer undergo intensive treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy, which usually lead to immunosuppression weakening their immune systems. Vaccination is therefore an extremely important part of protecting their health. First of all, they help prevent infectious diseases that could further weaken an organism already burdened by cancer treatment. Children with low immunity can have difficulty fighting off even simple infections, which can lead to serious complications such as pneumonia and even sepsis.

How does a medical condition or treatment affect the vaccination schedule?

The child's health status and stage of treatment have a direct impact on the feasibility of the vaccination calendar. Intensive treatme...

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