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Despite difficult situation, NHF to pay for unlimited services

MedExpress Team

Published Oct. 2, 2024 11:03

Despite difficult situation, NHF to pay for unlimited services - Header image
Fot. Getty Images/iStockphoto
Annexes for unlimited services for the second quarter of 2024, were sent to providers on September 30. As far as the third quarter is concerned, unlimited surplus services will also be paid, and we will do everything to make this happen as soon as possible, Deputy Health Minister Marek Kos announced during Tuesday's Health Committee meeting.

The Health Committee, at the request of opposition deputies, looked into the financial situation of the NFZ and the possibility of paying providers for overdeliveries. Janusz Cieszynski, on behalf of the movers, argued that the reason for the motion is, on the one hand, signals from hospitals, and, on the other hand, disturbing reports on the possibility of worsening access to health services due to the difficult situation of the NFZ. - Information is reaching us, for example, from the Mazovian OW NFZ that the department is short of more than two billion zlotys this year. And we don't know if this is true. We want to know what it looks like in other branches," said the Law and Justice MP.

According to Cieszynski, the current government blames its predecessors for the financial gap in the system, citing, among other things, the law on minimum wages for health care workers, although virtually all members of the current coalition ...

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