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Discussion of NSO at the Parliamentary Health Committee

MedExpress Team

Piotr Wójcik

Published July 7, 2023 12:02

Discussion of NSO at the Parliamentary Health Committee - Header image
A heated discussion accompanied the meeting of the Parliamentary Health Committee on the report on the implementation of the National Oncology Strategy in 2022. - We had 65 tasks. About three-fourths of them are completed on time, which I think is a very good popandemic result," assessed Professor Piotr Rutkowski, president of the Polish Oncology Society. Criticisms included delays in the implementation of some targets.

The National Oncology Strategy (NSO) is a multi-year program for 2020-2030, introducing comprehensive changes in Polish oncology. The strategy was adopted by the Council of Ministers in February 2020.

The most important goal of the NSO is to increase the number of people surviving five years after completing cancer therapy and to reduce the incidence of cancer. Patients' quality of life during and after cancer treatment is also expected to improve.

The National Cancer Strategy covers five areas, dealing with: investment in the medical workforce, i.e. staff training; investment in public education; investment in the patient; and support for science and innovation and oncology care.

- For 2022, we have provided for and completed 65 tasks in the NSO. We have earmarked 450 million this year, and in subsequent years it will be half a million each. 120 million was allocated for the purchase of HPV vaccines, which have passed to next year. At the moment, purchases are already being made from the Medical Fund. The start of these vaccinations was supposed to begin as envisaged by the NSO in 2021, and for boys in 2026. As the legislative work was prolonged, we started the vaccination in 2023, simultaneously for both ...

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