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Do you need an act to increase wages in the National Health Fund?

MedExpress Team


Published March 25, 2022 13:33

Do you need an act to increase wages in the National Health Fund? - Header image
Fot. Getty Images/iStockphoto
Last week, the Health Committee dealt with, inter alia, the problem of wages in health care. The discussion focused on the draft amendment to the law on minimum wages in this sector, but the problem of low wages in the National Health Fund was also strongly resounded during it. They are at such a level that it is more and more difficult for a payer, who already has a budget of over a hundred billion, to keep employees.

The topic was raised by Czesław Hoc (PiS). He reminded that, according to the announcements of the Ministry of Health, the minimum salaries of doctors will increase by 1.8 thousand from July 1, 2022. PLN, nurses by approx. 1.5 thousand. PLN, a similar increase will be given to psychologists or physiotherapists, for example. - Meanwhile, employees of the National Health Fund work out of a sense of patriotism. Doctors employed there earn little, and they cannot work anywhere else - he reminded.

Maria Ochman, head of the Healthcare Solidar...

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