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Dr. Aleksandra Lacko: Patients want to know what drugs are valuable

MedExpress Team

Piotr Wójcik

Published April 7, 2023 08:12

Dr. Aleksandra Lacko: Patients want to know what drugs are valuable - Header image
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A conversation with Aleksandra Łacko, MD, from the Department of Oncology at the Wrocław University of Medical Sciences

What is the current situation of Polish breast cancer patients, both in terms of diagnosis and access to modern treatment?

I believe that reducing the problems of breast cancer treatment to the availability of various drugs is a shortcut. This is a question that keeps coming up in discussions about the state of Polish oncology. Implicit in it is probably the firm belief that the availability of new technologies is the cure for all evil. Well, it isn't. It is only an element, I agree that it is an important one, of a strategy aimed at improving treatment outcomes. In a sober assessment of the situation, really not all dramatically expensive technologies are of equal value, and few change the natural course of the disease. I know this is very unpopular, but it needs to be made clear, not everything can be afforded. It's clear that I would like to be able to offer patients all the best therapies, especially those that give them a chance of a cure, and in the case of advanced disease, long survival with good treatment tolerance, etc. But in the situation we are in, with regard to the limited availability of very expensive drugs, I think the priority is to finance the most valuable methods and create mechanisms that, without unnecessary bureaucracy, curse doctors, provide access to them for those patients who can benefit fr...

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