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First patient in the National Cardiac Network in Lodz region

MedExpress Team


Published April 3, 2023 16:36

First patient in the National Cardiac Network in Lodz region - Header image
The first patient in the National Cardiology Network (NCCN) in Lodz region was admitted today. A patient with multivessel coronary artery disease presented to the network's level I outpatient clinic, the MCM K. Jonscher Cardiology Clinic, to Dr. G. Czuba-Grada with a new unusual symptom from the heart. The cardiologist decided to include the man in the cardiac network using a special application designed precisely for qualifying and monitoring the patient's path within the network.

On Monday morning, the patient was examined by Prof. J. Drozd at the cardiology outpatient clinic at UMED Central Clinical Hospital in Lodz. The patient was referred for an advanced SPECT study. More than a dozen more patients benefited from the first KSK counseling at UMED's Central Clinical Hospital.

Lodz is - after Mazovia - one of the 7 provinces included i...

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