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Good P.E. is an investment in youth health. A team of experts will address the new core curriculum

MedExpress Team


Published Nov. 13, 2024 08:57

Good P.E. is an investment in youth health. A team of experts will address the new core curriculum - Header image
fot. MEN
- I would like good P.E. to start as early as early childhood education, because an investment in the health of a young person is an investment in the future," said Education Minister Barbara Nowacja during a press conference on the appointment of a team for the preparation of a new physical education core curriculum.

The Minister of Education, along with the Minister of Sport and Tourism, yesterday introduced the members of the team for the core curriculum for the subject of physical education in elementary and secondary schools. The members are teachers and experts recommended by the MEN, the Minister of Sport and Tourism and the IBE.

- The PE core curriculum needs to be changed. Unfortunately, young people exercise less and less, move less and less, and have less and less motor competence, " said Education Minister Barbara Nowacka.

The head of the ministry stressed that it is extremely important for Polish youth to be healthy, to move, to be as physically fit as possible, and school has a very big role in this.

- The school can be one of those places where young ...

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