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Health education instead of WDŻ. Ministers announced changes in schools

MedExpress Team

Piotr Wójcik

Published April 12, 2024 13:32

Health education instead of WDŻ. Ministers announced changes in schools - Header image
fot. Piotr Wójcik
Family education will disappear from school timetables. In its place, with a significantly expanded program and probably more hours, a new subject will appear: health education. The first classes will start at the beginning of the 2025/2026 school year, but preparations for the launch of the new subject have already begun.

- Taking care of health and health education are among the most important areas of state responsibility. We will support Polish education with an indispensable component - the health education component," informs Education Minister Barbara Nowacka.

An expert team has been established to prepare the assumptions and curriculum basis for a new subject: health education. It will replace the existing VET and will have a much broader program. It will include mental health components, aspects of physical health and nutrition, prevention, as well as addiction problems, and sex education and human knowledge.

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