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Huston, we have a problem, i.e., the National Health Service's financial plan for 2025.

MedExpress Team

Published July 12, 2024 07:47

Huston, we have a problem, i.e., the National Health Service's financial plan for 2025. - Header image
The Parliamentary Health Committee on Thursday gave a positive opinion on the National Health Fund's financial plan for 2025. The discussion, at times, was far from both substance and parliamentary standards. Some opposition deputies left the room at one point.

Deputy Minister Jerzy Szafranowicz represented the ministry at the meeting for the first time. As he pointed out, the NFZ budget for 2025 is PLN 197 billion 844 million on the cost side. Among the biggest changes, he pointed to an increase of nearly 27 percent in outlays for palliative and hospice care (this is the aftermath of the decision to remove caps). Spending on hospitalization will increase by nearly 22 percent.

The director of the Economic and Financial Department of the National Health Fund, Dariusz Jarnutowski, referred to the details of the plan. The payer's revenue will come in the lion's share from health premiums - it is expected to be 173 billion 174 million zlotys, which is 87, 5 percent of the total. The subsidy from the state budget is to amount to more than PLN 18 billion. The NFZ budget will also be boosted by earmarked funds - the...

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