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GIS inspectors on the trail: vegetables and fruits under the magnifying glass

MedExpress Team

Published Oct. 3, 2024 11:25

GIS inspectors on the trail: vegetables and fruits under the magnifying glass - Header image
Fot. Thinkstock/Getty Images
From mid-May to the end of August 2024, the State Sanitary Inspectorate conducted an "investigation" of fruit and vegetable wholesalers. The purpose of the operation was to detect irregularities related to the quality and safety of the products sold, mainly on imported fruits and vegetables. What was found?

  • 1513 sanitary inspections of fruit and vegetable wholesalers
  • 567 samples taken for laboratory testing, mainly for pesticides and harmful metals
  • 1.4% of vegetable and fruit samples were disqualified due to exceeding standards

Summary of the activities of the State Sanitary Inspectorate

During the period from May...

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