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There is a bill on the National Cardiac Network

MedExpress Team

Published Oct. 28, 2024 08:11

There is a bill on the National Cardiac Network - Header image
The Health Ministry has submitted a draft law on the National Cardiology Network (NCCN) for consutation. The goal of the bill is to organize the healthcare system in cardiology and ensure that patients have access to comprehensive, coordinated care at every stage of treatment. What does the bill envisage?

1. establishment of the National Cardiology Network

The bill provides for the establishment of a nationwide network of cardiac centers, which will include both public and private medical facilities that meet certain criteria. The structure of the NCC is to be two-tiered:

  • Level of Care (OK I) Cardiac Centers - offering comprehensive care, including interventional cardiology and treatment of acute coronary syndromes.
  • Level II Cardiac Centers (OK II) - designed for more advanced procedures, such as cardiac surgery and treatment of compli...

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